Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Take a deep breath and just relax!
Yep, it's already started.  The daily grind, the worry, the wondering, and the conjecture that if it's going to happen a certain way, you had better be the one to make it happen.

We aren't even a week into the new year and already many have picked up where they left off last year.  Might I interest you in a quiet moment of reflection, a minute to simply clear your mind, and allow happy, peaceful, and loving thoughts to roll over you?  Honestly, the world is not going to suddenly come to a halt simply because you took a moment to gather your thoughts, your emotions, or whatever else it is that is going to help you navigate your day.

There are so many people who are traveling the thought world at warp speed in an attempt to get things going in the right direction, but what they have failed to realize is that things are only going to come to them when they are intended to be there, and not a minute sooner. I have had to let go of many things as of late, not because I didn't want them or because they weren't for me, but rather because they will come to me when the time is right and not a minute before that.  We all have dreams and visions, and believe it or not they will manifest for you, but let them come to you when the time is right.

Letting go of things is the one thing that will allow them to come to you in the perfection of the universe.  Letting go of things and believing is what is needed right now.  So take a few minutes to simply let things go, and rest in the knowledge that what is meant to be will in fact be in the perfect moment.  I know how hard it can be to let go of a dream, a desire, a want, but letting go is the one thing that will bring all things into the here and now, and if I were a betting man, I would say that this is the one thing most people are wanting.

I have tried to orchestrate my world, only to find out that I didn't have all the answers, and all I was doing was weighing myself down with feelings of doubt, a certain amount of fear, and more often then not, wondering what I was missing.  Trust me when I tell you that until such time as you are able to release certain expectations, you are going to be running on the never ending treadmill, that keeps you moving, but yet you never seem to make it to your destination.

Taking time each day to be thankful for your dreams, thankful for your visions, and thankful for being in the here and now, is going to do more for you then you might imagine.  Taking some time each day to simply quiet your mind and go to a place of rest is going to release you from the expectations of others, the expectations that you have created, and allow you to rest in the knowing that things will come to you in the perfect time, in the perfect way, and isn't that what you really desire?

When it comes to life you really have two choices: you can try to control everything, in which case you will end up on that treadmill, or you can let go and watch as things fall perfectly into place.  So going nowhere fast or having it all is your choice, which one do you choose?  I for one like the having it all scenario.

I want you to think about this for a minute: resting in the knowledge that what will be will be is really the best way to live.  Now I'm not saying that you can't or shouldn't put in the effort to get what you want.  What I am saying is allow there to be some flexibility in what you are doing, and don't get so wrapped up in the end game, that you miss out on what is truly important.  There have been many things in my life that came at the perfect time, and there were times when I felt that that timing was off.  Looking back on things I now see the simplicity of waiting for the right time.  I've outrun life on many different occasions, and let me say it almost always blew up in my face.

Taking a few moments each day to simply relax, take a few deep breaths, and simply let nature have its way is going to transform you in such a dynamic way that you will wonder what took you so long to clue into this.  You can call this peaceful time each day anything you want.  Some will call it meditation, some will call it prayer, but all who do it will tell you that the value it brings to their life is immeasurable.  It is time to take some time and simply let go.  Visions and dreams are gifts to you, but how you go about bringing them to fruition is anything but a dream to many people.  Dreams can quickly turn into nightmares if you are unable to relax in them and know they will come in the perfection of Spirit.

Take a deep breath, relax, and watch as the world unfolds before your eyes.  If you can rest in the moment, you will set into motion all those things you hold most dear.  Sounds to me like a win win situation, what say you?

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