Monday, September 14, 2015

I've figured out a few things....
Sometimes lessons come easy, sometimes they take forever, and then there are moments when you sit back and realize that you have in fact learned something new.

Many believe the saying that Knowledge is Power: the more you know the better you will be, or maybe better put, the more able you are to handle the things that may be thrown at you from time to time.

I have taken some time off these last few weeks just to sit back, relax a little, and otherwise clear my mind.  During this time away from the daily activities that I normally find myself doing, I've had the opportunity to figure a few things out.  I have taken time to re-read some of my favorite books, and I even took the time to read my own book.  Some might think it weird for an author to read what they have created, but reading it from cover to cover is so much different then writing it.  I found myself learning more, understanding more, and quite frankly figuring out a few things that had been alluding me.

Not all knowledge comes from books.  There are things we can learn from those around us, things we can learn by doing something new.  We learn in so many different ways, and that knowledge is what you are going to need to successfully walk in those things that were intended for you.  I have said many times that we will be learning lessons our entire life.  There is never going to be a time when we are not going to learn.  Life's lessons come to us in many ways, many forms, and often at times when we least expect them.  Lessons help us to grow, lessons help us mature, and lessons make us what we need to be.  Figuring out things is what life is all about, and when you are finally able to figure things out, then you are able to do those things that were meant for you from the beginning of time.

I was hosting a day long seminar over the weekend, and as much as I wanted things to be a certain way, there were things that did not pan out.  At first I was ready to cancel the event, but then I knew that walking away from it was not going to teach me what I needed to learn, and it would have been a mistake to allow my own pride or ego to get in the way of what Spirit wanted to accomplish during this event.  As it turns out, those who attended were very pleased and I figured out that what one does for one or two can have an effect on countless others down the road.

How many people do you think are waiting for answers to questions right now?  I know there are things that I desire to know, and if I am waiting for things, then I would have to think that others are also playing the waiting game as well.  Here is what I have learned over the years, and it is my hope that this little bit of information will help you along in your journey.  I understand that there are times when you want answers, when you need answers, and more often then not, you need them right away.  It seems that when we need something so bad, we often feel that we have been forgotten.  It's hard to sit back and be patient for things to arrive, when the perceived need is so great.  I've figured out, and maybe this has come to me because I have messed things up so bad in the past, but I've finally figured out that answers will come at the perfect time, and the sooner I take my conception of time out of the equation, the better off I am.  Things are going to come to you at the perfect time, but this is something we often over look, or don't want to accept.  Trust me, better to allow things to happen in divine order, then try to orchestrate something yourself because you feel pressure to do it now.

If you believe in divine providence, then you must also believe that things will come to you in divine order, and in that perfection of things you will then be able to sit back and relax knowing that there is nothing that you need to do.  Sometimes getting out of the way is the best option you have, and when you take this option, things magically seem to fall into place.  I have been guilty of trying to outrun things, or do them in my own timeline.  Had I been more aware of things I could have avoided many pitfalls, but lucky for me I did figure out somethings, and now I can wait for the right time, knowing that the right time will always show up at the right time.

Lessons are going to be learned in life no matter if you try to get away from them, run from them, or otherwise try to ignore them.  These lessons are there for one reason and one reason only, to get you to be the person the rest of the world needs you to be.  When you can accept that you are here for a purpose, and there are others who need what you have, then you will be able to wait for what you know will come to you when the time is right.  Sit back and relax and realize that in your perfection is the perfection of God's timing, and when you have and understand that, well things just seem to be a little less troublesome.  Take some time to relax and let those things that have to happen, happen.  In the long run, it will be the best time spent.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting - taking it easy and checking in with our inner voice/Divine within, provides exactly what we really need - loving, beneficial, "on-time" guidance. Thanks for writing this, Scott. :) <3
