Friday, September 25, 2015

All in a day's work.
So many people allow each day to run into the next, each one void of the one thing that would change a life, and change a life forever, passion.  So many people get up each morning just wishing that the day was already over and they could just be somewhere else, anywhere else besides the office building or job site, that has been sucking the life out of them.  So many people have fallen prey to the idea that "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go."  Is this the kind of existence you want?  Is this the type of day you experience, just wishing for a change?  If you are going through this then I have a bit of advice for you: stop the madness, throw out those thoughts that this is as good as it gets, and step out into a new world of destiny.

I have often thought that the only thing that stops people from achieving their dreams is not realizing that dreams have always been there to help you along the way to your destiny.  For those who have found themselves locked into a world of discontent you need to know there is a way of escape for you.  The only reason people stay cemented in careers they hate is because often they don't realize there is an alternative.  The fear of letting go of something that has ceased to serve you is frightening to you, and you have been conditioned to believe that you have no recourse.  I'm here to tell you that you do have options, and if you are brave enough to look at these options, put them into action, then your world as you have known it will change, and change for the better.

I have often said to friends that when you find yourself stuck in an occupation it is only a matter of time until you burn out.  If on the other hand your occupation is more of a vocation, well then my guess is that burn out will never be an issue, and instead of praying for Friday to come, you are looking forward to the next time you get to do what you love doing the most.  If I were a betting man I would say that the vast majority of the work force today falls on the side of being trapped into a profession that no longer serves them, the real them, and instead is simply acting as a means to an end.  Like the picture says, you are working to pay your bills, and if by chance you gain some type of joy out of it, it is marginal at best.

I want you for just a minute to picture a life free from stress, free from lack, and free from the tortures that you may have been experiencing for the last several years.  Can you even see the differences that would be all around you if you were able to shed the struggles of your current profession, and instead do something that really made you happy?  As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure this flies in the face of what Corporate America says is expected, if you are not having fun at what you are doing, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it.  If you are not leaving your place of employment each day with sore cheeks because you have grinned so much, maybe it's time to find another place to work.  I Know people think I'm nuts for saying this, but they are the same people who are just praying that their office burnt down over the weekend so they don't have to go into work.

You are going to spend on average a third of your life, if not more, working.  How bad must one's life suck if they hate what they are doing?  I mean how bad must things get before you make the determination to seek alternatives?  I love what I do and I can't see myself doing anything else.  Trust me, I've had jobs that I hated, and I know how draining life can be when you are slave to something you hate.  If you find yourself chained to something you hate, don't you think it makes sense to simply cut away from it, and do something that is going to bring you joy, peace, happiness and a certain amount of contentment?  After all, when all the crying is over, you are the one who has to go through each day.

I firmly believe that "All in a day's work" should be "All in a day's fun".  I've told those individuals who work with me that if I'm not having fun, then I'm not doing it.  To some they will think that I am one of the dumbest people on the face of the planet.  They can think that as they grow old, as they drink away their sorrows, and as the find themselves in an early grave.  I really mean it when I say, if you're not having fun then you're not living.  Working in something that you have passion for is like winning the lottery.  Working in a field that you are passionate about is not only going to bring you joy, but believe it or not, prosperity will follow you and hunt you down.  I will bet you dimes to donuts, if you hate what you are doing, it is only a matter of time until you let the rest of what ails the world affect you.  On the opposite side of the coin, if you love what you are doing, it is almost impossible not to be blessed each day.  Those blessings will include prosperity, they will include joy and happiness, they will include contentment.

I guess the only thing you have to decide at this point in time is what are you going to do with this new insight?  You can continue to bury yourself in a job you hate, in which case things are never going to change, or you can say screw it, and simply follow your heart.  Passion is what makes living fun.  Passion is what moves people forward.  Passion is what we were created to have, created to be, and created of live with.  If you are not incorporating passion, your passion, into everything you are doing you are missing a golden opportunity to turn your life around.  Trust me, working in something that you have passion for can only help you.  Think about all this for a while and drop me a line.  If you still have doubts I will be more than happy to give you more ammunition.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I left a conventional banking position for a spiritual career I absolutely LOVE, and how I enjoy helping people! :) I'm thankful and happy, full of joy, and look forward to each day - and to having fun assisting Scott in True Destiny. Thanks for writing this blog. Blessings and Love always. :) <3
