There is such a thing as the "Law of Diminishing Returns", and far too often people forget about this until they have so out spent what they have inside, that there is very little they wouldn't give to have just a few moments of rest and solitude. One can only go at full throttle for so long before everything gives out, and you are left wondering what happened. It is in the still of the early evening that we are able to step out into nature and realize that tomorrow will come, regardless of what is left to do today, so why not simply sit back and enjoy the panorama unfolding in front of you. The birds are a little less active, but the crickets begin to serenade you in what can only be described as a heavenly symphony. The leaves begin to blow in the breeze and that wonderful spring scent of life raises up in front of you. This is the life: can you sit back and enjoy it, or are pressing matters such that you are oblivious to the wonders all around you?
In the still of the night is a freshness that far surpasses the conflicts that may have arisen just hours before. In the still of the night comes calm, beauty, and a knowing that no matter what we are thinking, or what we may have gone through during the day, we are guest at an event that transcends time and space.
When was the last time you tossed off your shoes and simply walked around in the dew covered grass and enjoyed some time with nature? If you have to think about it, if you can't say for sure when it was, then I can tell you it was too long ago. Nature has a way of bringing us back to life. Life was never intended to be lived at breakneck speed all the time, so maybe it's time to slow things down a bit and simply enjoy those things that have been placed in front of you.
There are people out there who have tunnel vision. They only see that one goal, that one conquest, that one victory and everything else is muted. Problem with this scenario is that much of what they are overlooking on a daily basis would provide them with everything they need to accomplish those things they desire. My dear friends, it's time to simply sit back and enjoy life. You can go to your grave having accumulated vast amounts of wealth, but if you can't remember the last time you looked up into the night sky and waved to Orion's Belt, then you have missed out on so much. I dare say that when someone is about to take their last breath, the last thing they will think about is wishing they had one more day to work.
Life is all about balance, and there are so many people out of sync with that balance. I've been there, and I will tell you it isn't worth it. You can have all the accruements of success: the nice house, a fancy car, and tons of money, but lacking the ability to simply sit back and enjoy the stillness of the night, makes you anything but successful. If you are not able to set things aside for just thirty minutes to enjoy all the beauty around you, then I will tell you that success will only be fleeting for you.
I am not attempting to make you feel bad for wanting to work hard and provide. I applaud those who have determination and drive, but when that determination and drive does not allow you time to simply sit back and enjoy the beauty around you, then you have to ask yourself, is it worth it? I can't answer that question for you, but I will tell you that I came to the point where I had to answer it for me, and I will say that being able to sit back and simply unwind is the best part of my day. I know people who feel as though that if they do not do something then it's not going to get done. Sorry to tell you but that is nothing but pride, and pride sucks. Let it go, and simply rest. The world is not going to come to an end simply because you opted to step outside one night, have a drink, and let that email wait until tomorrow.
In the still of the night is peace. In the still of the night there is tranquility, and there is a rejuvenation that only comes when you allow nature to speak to you. So tonight when you get home, turn off the computer, the cell phone, and even the tv, and simply step out into your back yard, your deck or patio, and relax. Listen to what is going on around you and learn from nature. I will promise you that a good night sleep will follow you, and then the next day you can pick up where you left off, but with a whole new outlook on things. The night is beautiful and it was created that way for you to enjoy it. Get out there is take advantage of what the Universe has laid at your feet.
Yes, I love sunsets and early evenings, and often watch stars coming into view, and wish upon the first one I see, smell the fresh air, listen to crickets, watch the fireflies.... what a joy it all is. I agree with Scott - go out and enjoy it! Thanks to the Universe/Creator for these and other gifts. Thanks for sharing this, Scott. Blessings. :)