Well the time has come for you to make the push, turn that corner and begin to take it to the finish line. But before we break the finish line, lets take a look back on what it took you to get where you are at today.
Like any elite athlete, it takes many months, if not years of practice. When others have left the training facility, the truly committed, dedicate ones, are the ones who are still looking to take one final lap, lift one last set of weights, do one more lap of the pool. Elite athletes don't leave a whole lot to chance. In fact, if there was ever a group of dedicated professionals who knew the importance of hard work, then athletes are one of them.
You might not be an athlete, but you never-the-less understand the importance of practice, and the need to be at the top of your game at all times, especially when faced with bringing it home. Many of you have had months, if not years of practice. You have been blessed with years and years of experiences which will come in handy. You may not have always appreciated everything you were going through at the time, but I assure you that the day will come when all that you have gone through will pay off dividends. There will come a time when you will sit back and wonder where did that idea come from. Where did that ability to get through the tough times come from. I will tell you that this ability is there because of what you have gone through in the past. Good, bad, or indifferent, we go through situations to teach us, to prepare us, for what is about to face us as we round the turn, and head for home.
Hard work, but work that you love, dedication, and patience is what is going to prepare you for the home stretch and crossing that finish line. If you want to be the victor then you have to be willing to do some of the things that others choose not to do. You cannot wait for others to do the work for you. Contrary to what many in society feel, no one owes you anything. If it's worth having, then it has to be earned, and to earn it, you will have to make an effort. Alas you will have those who have put out the effort, but the results are just not there, or where they want them to be. Well this is where patience comes in. We are all going to fall short from time to time. Things will happen that we can't explain, and things will happen that we really don't want to repeat. Getting back on the horse after you have fallen off is the only option you have, especially when things haven't gone according to plan. The true winner in any situation is the one who never says never, and who is unwilling to give up on their dreams simply because some fool hearty person has said there is no merit in their dream.
History is laced with individuals who failed miserably at first, but in the end they were the ones with the winners wreath sitting atop of their head. I can remember many years ago watching Dan Jansen, a United States Speed Skater. He was in the Olympics one year, and at the time was the odds on favorite to take home the Gold Medal. He uncharacteristically fell in several races, ending any hope of Gold. This happened more times then not, to the point that at each Olympic event after that they would all talk about his previous falls. Dan continued with his training, and during his forth Olympics took home the Gold in front of thousands who were there to cheer him on. He could have quit after the first try, but his passion was showing through and he took it to the finish line. This is the determination we have to display if we want to be where we want to be.
I wish I could tell you that victory will come to everyone the first time they put their hand to anything. There will be those who are in fact fortunate enough to gain victory the first time, but that is rare. Most everyone else is going to have to go through the ups and downs of any endeavor. Character is what will bring you through those ups and downs, and a determination to never give up until you have reached the destiny that resides in you. Here is one thing that you must remember: your passion is what will send you surging across the finish line. Your passion is unstoppable, because passion is what drives, or should be driving everything that you do. Find what you are passionate about and use it to your advantage. There is no one who knows what you know in regards to what is in your heart to do. If you are being laughed at by others because of what is in your heart, so be it. They do not have to live your life, you do. I will tell you that the ones who are laughing at you don't have a clue about your destiny, and I could pretty much bet, they don't even believe in destiny.
Remember, you have prepared for certain moments in your life, your entire life. You may not be aware of all that you have done, but everything you have gone through, ever lesson you have learned, has prepared you for where you are right now. It is time to make the push. You are rounding that corner and all you should be focused on is heading toward home. Win or loose, you have given it your best, and when all is said and done, giving your best makes you a winner.
Forget about what others think, what others say, and know that you have and will continue to do the work necessary to get you to the finish line. The sweet smell of victory is everyone's hope, but it is only for those who will not quit. I know you have that last burst in you, now go out there and show it to the rest of the world.
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