Friday, January 23, 2015

It takes two baby.
We've all faced obstacles in our life.  Sometimes we overcome them, and at others times we have allowed them to overtake us, and send us into a tail spin.  Obstacles never seem to be fun, at least not while we're going through them, but they do appear for a reason.  Now the reason might not be what you think, but there is always a reason.

There are two things in this world that are an absolute must if you are ever going to get what you want, do what you dream, and live the way you always envisioned yourself living.  Well that's if you have ever given any thought to the way you want your life to be that is.  The two things that need to be present to have anything is will and desire.  These two go hand in hand.  You will never accomplish anything or do anything if your life is void of will and desire.  There will be those who will argue this fact.  They will say that will and desire are the same thing, but to that I say nay nay.  You might want something, but if you are not willing to do what it takes to get it, then it isn't going to happen.  You might be willing to do something, but if the desire to do it is not there, then once again, not going to happen.  Desire is when everything in you screams for an outcome.  Desire is when there isn't a day that goes by that you do not think about what you want, and how it will feel when you get it.

I know plenty of people who have great abilities, but there is no desire to do anything with their abilities.  There are people who know exactly what to do, but deep down they simply don't want it, they haven't the will to do it.  If this is the case then you can bet that nothing will ever come about from it.  You have to combine will and desire.  Some will say determination is the same thing, and in some cases you would be right, but determination is still different from will and desire.  Determination comes after desire.  I know very few people who can show faultless determination if there is not a desire that backs it up.

What is the one thing that you desire most right now?  Once you have come to grips with what you desire then the time has come to test your will.  Those who succeed have managed to combine the two, and even if obstacles do come forth, they manage to overcome them.  There is no way that anything, at least anything that you really desire, will ever happen if you don't want it.  I know this may seem simple minded, but there are so many people out there today who simply lack the will to do anything.  They are the ones who will sit back and let others do things, but then wonder why what they want never comes to fruition.

One of the surest ways to determine if you have both will and desire is to come face to face with an obstacle.  One of two things will happen:  one, you will overcome it and move forward with what you desire to do, showing the determination, the will to do it.  Two, you will simply roll up into a tiny ball and just give up.  What determines the outcome once again is your will and desire.  There simply is no other way to look at it.  Nothing in this world has ever taken place simply because someone got lucky and something just manifested for the sake of manifestation.  There is nothing that will ever happen if first you do not attach your will and desire to it.

Let me say this and I hope you will accept this point.  You are not wrong, you are not unworthy simply because you do not have the will or desire at the moment.  There are times when someone has to grow into it, but absent of these two things, there is nothing that will ever come about, and all the crying in the world is not going to change this truth.  If you want it bad enough, then you will go out there and do what you need to do.  If you decide you do not want to do what is required to get you where you thought you wanted to be, then that is the decision that you have made.  No one is going to fault you for this, unless of course you have been blaming others for you not being where you want to be.  No one on the face of this planet has the ability to take away from you your own will and desire.  The only one who can't take this away from you is you.

So let me ask you one more time: what is it that you desire most right now?  If you can't answer this question, then you have bigger issues to deal with then simply getting past the obstacles that others are contending with.  If you can put words to your desires, actions to your desires, and show a will to have what you want most out of life, then I can assure you that you will have your hearts desires as sure as I am sitting here right now.  Take a few moments today and think about what you want, and ask yourself if you really want it.  If the answer is yes, then I will promise you that the will to get there will trump any obstacle that may appear or try to appear.  The first step is determining what is important to you and then go after it.  You can do this, and together we will celebrate in style when you get there.  Safe journeys to you and remember that if life is a journey, never go it alone.

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