Life is like a song. There's the beginning, the middle, and an the end. Many people experience life in different ways, but no matter how you look at it, life is truly a song from the heart, a series of choruses, each signifying phases to learn.
I was woken up early this morning, around three a.m. and all I could do was lay there and think about the different times of my life. I have had times when the music was serene and other times when it was tumultuous. I love the serene times, times when life seems to move along effortlessly. With each note played I began to understand what the song was saying and why it was playing for me. Far too often we neglect to sit back and just listen. Listening to what is playing out from our heart is something we need to do, and we need to do it every day of our life.
What song is playing in your life right now? Are you hearing the serene or the tumultuous? No matter the beat, no matter the syncopation, we need to listen and learn. When I sit down to write I always have music on in the background. The music, the notes, they seem to lighten the moment, and this lighter moment is what allows me to zero in on my message. I encourage you to take the time to listen to the music that is playing in your life and determine what it is saying to you. We often fail to take the time to listen to the messages that are there for us, because we get so wrapped up in all the activities of the day. Taking the time to just sit and listen to what is being played can and will change things in our life.
I have always wanted music to be a big part of my life. I can get lost in a beautiful piece of music. Music that sends me off to a different place. A place where dreams come true, a place where everything is possible, and a place where I am who I am. This place is yours as well if you will just listen to the music of your heart. They say that music can tame the savage beast. There are beast all around us; beast that come from all directions. If you are able to calm them, then you are able to walk through life victorious in all things.
What is the song in your heart? Can you hear it? Can you sing it softly? There is music inside all of us. Will you allow yourself the opportunity to bring it forth. It may only be for you and it may be for others as well. The first step is knowing it is in you and then allow it to come forth. When you are facing dire situations it is difficult to hear the music, but I assure you that it is there. When you are up to your chin in fear, doubt, and uncertainty, then this is the moment that music, your music, should be the first thing that crosses your mind.
Each of us has a symphony to compose. Each of us has a sonnet that needs to be written. You don't have to be able to read musical notes to write your symphony. You might not be able to carry a tune in a bucket, but your ability to write and hear your music is just as real, just a true, and just a beautiful a thing as someone who has played for years and years. Yes there is music in each of us, and with each note, with each song, we get closer and closer to our destiny.
When was the last time you just sat quiet and heard the notes of your song of peace, your song of beauty, and your song of life? Have you ever spent time just listening to the orchestra in nature? The notes all around you that play day in and day out, are there to bring you to a place of certainty. These beautiful arrangements are there to lift you up to your rightful place in the universe. If you haven't taken the time to listen, then I suggest you put everything on hold for just a few minutes and just sit back and listen. You will hear music. You will hear freedom, joy, peace, and happiness. If you are not feeling peace and joy in your life right now then I can bet you dimes to donuts that you are not hearing the music that is inside of you. If you are not hearing the music that is inside of you then you are never going to get to your destiny.
Why is destiny so important? Because if you fail to walk in your destiny then you have missed the reason for you being here. If you fail to walk in your destiny then you have allowed the music inside of you to become void of meaning. You must feel the music in you. You must allow your song to come forth. Wayne Dyer is famous for saying that you never want to leave this life with your music still inside of you. Your music is supposed to come forth, and never is it to just remain motionless in you.
There is a symphony inside of you. It is the music of your heart, which is the music of your life. Do you hear it? Can you feel it? Your music is beautiful and your life is like a song. It is time to let the notes of you song to fill the room you are in. It is time to let the notes of your song to carry you to the place you are supposed be. Listen to the music and be one with it. When you begin to hear each note, then you will begin to experience life the way life was intended to be experienced. I know the beauty of my music and I desire you to know the beauty of yours.
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