Sunday, July 27, 2014

I stand in awe.
Try this on for size.  We have been taught all of our lives to be in awe of God.  Without regard to what faith you might have been raised in, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, you were taught to respect and fear the Creator.  I was taught that I should stand in awe of the awesomeness of my creator.  I was taught that I should stand in awe about all that the creator created.

We can look at this world and marvel at what is around us.  The oceans, the mountains, the stars in the night sky.  No doubt they are all pretty amazing.  Here in lies the issue that most people deal with: they can appreciate things around them, but that same appreciation is not heralded toward themselves.  They are so quick to point out their own shortcomings and they are too eager to pick up that badge of honor that says they need to suffer for the sake of suffering because this will teach them humility.

If I stand in awe of my creator, then isn't it possible that God, Spirit, the Creator of the Universe, also stands in awe of us?  Isn't it possible that God also looks upon us with awe?  It is not just possible, it is truth.  There are people who have this belief that you should never use God's name in vain.  I agree, but don't we blaspheme God when we do not see ourselves as God sees us?  I mean, if I cannot see myself as a divine creation of the Creator of the Universe, then I am saying what God has created has no worth.  That in my book is blasphemy.

I was having my lunch yesterday and as I do most days I generally sit outside by myself.  I like this time of solitude so I make a point of doing it as often as possible.  I was listening to some music and the song I was listening to was one that I have heard hundreds if not thousands of times, but this time it was different.  The song is simply called "I stand in awe" and it implies that we as humans should have reverence for our creator.  It says that God is beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words.  As I sat there enjoying my lunch I was shown something that I had never seen before and it literally brought tears to my eyes.  Spirit was telling me that I was beautiful beyond description and that I was too marvelous for words.  God is in awe of me.  Knock me over with a feather I tell you.

We as humans have been taught not to think too highly of ourselves.  It is crude, rude, and socially unacceptable.  Herein lies the problem:  in our effort to not think more of ourselves then we should, we have neglected to understand our own divinity.  We have not seen ourselves the same way that God sees us.  We have effectively soiled what God has created.  We have blasphemed God.  Now there are those out there who will argue to the death what I am saying here, but I would be remiss if I neglected to spell out what I know as truth.

Until such time as you can see the beauty of your creation, the splendor of your being here, and the perfection of God's creating you, then you will never fully be the person you were intended to be.  Until such time as you can appreciate who you are, you will never be free from those things that have buffeted you for years and years.  If you want to remove fear, doubt, lack, unhappiness from your life then you will have to begin to see yourself the way that God sees you.  I am telling you that you could have knocked me over with a feather when Spirit showed me how I was looked upon.  Do you think that God looks at the universe and says "Well it was a good try, but not quite what I was looking for.  I guess it will have to do"?  Do you think that the perfection of God's design only applies to things outside of ourselves?

I am beautiful beyond description and I am too marvelous for words.  These are not statements of conceit, they are affirmations of who I am and how I was created.  This is how my creator views me.  You to are these things.  When you can begin to grasp this, your life will change in a fundamental way.  There is a shift going on and part of this shift is the enlightenment of those who are willing to accept certain truths.

I stand in awe because I am in fact awesome in the eyes of my creator.  You must begin to see the perfection of your design, the perfection of your being here, and the perfection of the rest of the universe.  Yes there are problems in this world, but that is only because there are those who have yet to see themselves the way that God sees them.  Will we ever get to the point where everyone is enlightened to who they really are?  I don't know the answer to that question, but I can hope.

You may not comprehend just yet the beauty of your existence, but if you will begin to see you for who you are and see yourself the way that God sees you, then I will promise you this:  life will change in a dynamic way.  It is time to unleash the divinity within you.  It is time to accept these words that you are beautiful beyond description, that you are too marvelous for words.  Make this shift in your thinking, own who you are, and live in the knowledge of why you are here, and see if you are not changed in the twinkling of an eye.  It is your destiny, and you will walk in it.

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