I am at a crossroads right now as I write this morning. I can either head in the direction of my destiny, or I can take another course, one that I have been on before, but that road will never lead me to the place that I was intended to be. I know in my heart what my desires are, I know what I have been gifted to do, and I can see the end result, which is the first step in setting the intention. What I also know is that I have allowed past fears, past hurts, and past failures to stop me in my tracks. I have allowed the doubters who are on the peripheral to dictate my actions and thoughts, and that has been of no benefit to me. Try as I might to overcome these words from others, I all too often have let them reside inside of my head, and then I pay the price for allowing them to enter.
The main focus I want you to see this morning is that you are not what others say you are, think you are, or even want you to be. You are in fact the person you were created to be with all the abilities to accomplish what you were put here on earth to do in this life. The biggest reason most people are not walking in their destiny is because they have bought a bill of goods that others have been pushing that says one can dream about it, think about it, and even have visions of what life could look like, but until such time as the planets all line up, don't even think that you will be able to accomplish anything. It seems to me that we have the classic haves and have nots once again. Only select people will ever be good enough to have what God has Promised. The truth of the matter is that it does not matter one iota who you are, where you come from, whether you are good or bad, short or tall, handsome or ugly, you still have a destiny and you deserve to walk in it. What I want you to see today is that there has never been a better time to step out into your destiny and test the waters.
I often hear about the fear of the unknown, but truth be told, there is no unknown when it comes to your destiny. First and foremost, the creator of the universe has a perfect understanding of your destiny. If you dig deep into your heart then you would have to admit that you probably have an inkling of your destiny, but for what ever reason have not been moved to put words to those dreams and visions that have been floating around you for years. I understand, I mean I really do understand, the fear that comes along with walking or even acknowledging the things that lay buried in your heart. There have been numerous people who would do almost anything to kill a dream before it comes to fruition, and often these people are closer to you then you would like to admit.
The bells are tolling because it is time to come out of your fog and acknowledge that there are things that you should be doing, that you were created to do, and all the putzing around is not going to change what you were placed here to do. I have seen people squander their calling simply because they allowed others to talk them out of it. I have seen fear, doubt, worry, and every manner of deflection used to delay what is the inevitable. I'm am an expert on fear, doubt, worry, and deflection because I have used it for years or have been guilty of it for decades. Please hear me, fear, doubt, worry and any other form one uses to stay away from their destiny will only work for a short period. When all the dust settles you will still have a destiny and quite frankly you will still be drawn to it without regard to what you try to replace it with.
In some upcoming blogs I will tell you that I will be taking off the gloves. Not because I want to harm you or beat the daylights out of you, but because I need you to take the steps required to move forward with your destiny. There are people who are depending on you to accomplish those things that you were created to do. With out your piece of the puzzle others will have to figure out another direction to go in. Is the creator capable of helping out these people, certainly. But your destiny was placed into you because your part is the part that they will need to discover and ultimately walk in their destiny.
I know all this may seem like a big waste of time, but if just one person gains insight into their true destiny then I have done what I have been tasked to do. If I did not speak about destiny with my writing then I would have let a perfect opportunity to help others drift away, and I do not want fingers pointed at me declaring that I fell short. I could walk away from my destiny, but what would my life be like if I did that? I would be miserable, empty, and there would be very little that would be able to take away these feelings. Trust me I have tried to fill that void in the past and it is nothing that will ever be filled accept by my own destiny and me walking in that destiny.
I strongly encourage you to take some time and ask yourself what truly would make you happy right now. Once you are able to admit it then set the intention that you will walk in it. I set the intention each and every day, not because I doubt, but because I understand the power of intention and I want to share my destiny with others. The bell has begun to ring, will you make the next move and simply acknowledge that there is probably more to life, your life, and it is time to go after it. I stand committed to helping each of you get there, and when it is over we will all celebrate the grandness of your calling and the wonders that will come from it.
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