Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Belief, truth, and your reality.
Today can be your day of discovery.  Today can be your day of revelation.  Today can and will be your day of belief, truth and a new reality.  All it will take is a little faith, a little understanding, and just a tad bit of luck.  I bring luck into the picture because there are some of you who will need that little extra push from a higher authority to really grasp what I am about to say to you.

As individuals we all have different beliefs.  Who is to say who is right and who is wrong?  Just because I believe differently than you doesn't make me right nor does it make you wrong.  I don't have the right to tell you that you are all over the map when it comes to your own thinking because as far as you are concerned I am probably all over the map as well.  What we have to do is give others the benefit of the doubt and realize that what one believes is based largely upon what they have experienced in life and their experiences are most likely going to be different from mine.  What I want to get you to see today is that what you believe is going to become your reality sooner or later, and in that reality you will have to exist in this thing we call life.

The biggest problem rises when we believe things that simply are not true and in that non-truth you set up a reality that was never intended to be your reality.  Once again we let the conditioning of man to dictate what we believe and what we don't and often that will get us into a real pickle.  I can remember being told as a young teenager that I would never amount to anything.  Talk about a kick in the balls, but that was my reality for many years.  It took many years to get over these comments, and many, many hours of meditation and prayer.  I would never wish this on anyone else, but if you have experienced these negative words, maybe it is time to throw them out and pick up a new mantra for your life.  You are limitless, you are the best, and you are destined for great things to quote the picture above.

I had a texting conversation with my dearest friend just yesterday.   Contrary to what some might think, I still struggle with self-worth, self-love, and questions of what will come to me in the future.  As depicted earlier I was the recipient of less than promising words while growing up. The problem with this is that I took these words to heart and subsequently it has taken me years to realize that I did not have to accept what had been spoken over me.  We talk about physical abuse which has become very prevalent in the world today, but verbal abuse is just as harmful and it is a plaque in the world today.  If you have been on the receiving end of these types of words, then I will tell you that the time has come to change your beliefs and thereby change your reality.  My friend made a very salient point:  until I can believe that I am worthy of my destiny, I will never be fully released to help others discover their destiny.  If I am unable to love myself, I will never ever be able to receive love from others, at least completely receive love that is.

Here is what needs to become your new truth, and in doing this it will become a new belief and then it will turn into your new reality.  You are worthy of love, you are worthy of abundance, you are worthy of the greatness that was placed in you the moment you entered this life.  Only when you truly believe this will you take your rightful place in this world.  I hold no grudges against those who have spoken these words to and about me.  What I have done is changed my thoughts, my beliefs, because until I could do this I was doomed to walk in a place that I was never intended to walk in.

I know of no one who truly desires to exist in a world that is only darkness, dread and fear.  What many people have done is accept certain things in life, but that is only because they have yet to come to the realization that they do not have to be trapped in this darkness, dread, or fear.  Yes my friends it is time to change your beliefs, and then you will take your rightful place.  This change is much like the tiny caterpillar who must escape or shelter itself from its current existence in order for it to become the beautiful butterfly that it was destined to become.  If we look or stay cemented in the words of the past we will never fulfill the calling we have for the future.

Belief, truth, and reality:  what is past is past, and what is destiny is what you must begin to walk in.  There may be days when hurts of the past will try to grab hold of you again, but now you have the ability to shed these words and when you do you will break away from the past and enter into a new domain that is nothing but joy, happiness, and peacefulness.  I have learned much over my lifetime, and I dare say that I have much more to learn, but I have also begun a journey that was always my journey to take.  I have ceased letting the words of the past stop me from assuming the place that was always set aside for just me.  I have taken my rightful place and now you must decide if you will accept your rightful place.  Your place is one of beauty, one of contentment, and one of knowing that you are just where you need to be, doing the things you were intended to do, and having an impact on those who have been waiting for what you have to offer.

Belief, truth, and reality, this is your starting point, and I can't wait to see where you finish up. You are a wonderful creation and once you discover this fact you will see a change in your reality and this change will have an impact on you and countless others.  Oh how I long to see the many changes that will come to you and the smile it will put on your face.

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