First, to those who say that wealth is wicked, they have either never obtained it, or they so covet it that they have managed to spin it in such a way that those who have obtained it, have somehow skirted the "acceptable" practices of man. There is nothing wrong with obtaining wealth, and the sooner some of these idiots figure that out the sooner we can move forward and use wealth in ways that benefit others. Secondly, and this is not meant to demonize those who look at wealth as some human shortcoming, but if wealth was never intended to be enjoyed by man, then why in heavens name did the Creator of the Universe provide us with the resources to achieve it. If one person is able to do it, and once again God is not a respecter of people, then it only makes sense that everyone should be able to obtain it as well.
I marvel at those who want to dismantle wealth as though they are doing their part for humanity. Could it be that their inability to obtain wealth is the driver behind their disdain for it? I only throw that thought out to you so you may ponder it. Wealth in and of itself is not bad, the motivation behind why you want it or what you will do with it is an entirely different thing. If one's motivation is to obtain wealth so they can feel better about themselves then they will always come up on the short end of the stick because even with wealth it is doubtful that you will ever understand who and what you are. I will tell you this, most people who are unable to achieve wealth, or at least what the world has defined wealth to be, is simply because they have yet to see themselves as worthy of having wealth and until such time as you can see yourself as worthy, wealth will forever pass you by. As individuals we are worthy of wealth and it has nothing to do with what family you were born to, or where you came from. I have struggled with this for years and for years I have struggled financially. I could not understand why nothing worked for me. I knew I had the ability to achieve great wealth, but even my desire for it was not sufficient to overcome my feeling that I was not worthy of it. I know this may sound like some oxymoron, but there are countless people who deal with the very same issue.
So the question is, how does one see themselves as deserving of wealth and is seeing yourself this way a bad thing? First and foremost you must see yourself as the Creator sees you and that is as a divine being. Once you are able to understand and come to grips with this then seeing wealth, or walking in it, is a simple as 1-2-3. If one is able to see the divinity that resides in us, then the reason for obtaining wealth will be in line with your purpose here on earth. Money in and of itself is not a bad thing, hoarding it up for a rainy day is. If you base your worth on your wealth then you have really missed the boat. Conversely if you are able to come to grips with your worth, then I will guarantee you that wealth will follow. Have you ever asked yourself why you desire money? If you have, what was the answer? There was a time that money meant everything to me because I thought that it would put me in a place where I was respected and people would want to know my secrets for success, and it would have filled a void in my life. Well that is what I thought; what I discovered is that money at that moment in time was nothing more than a band aid on a very deep wound. I could have had a gazillion dollars and still I would have been empty. It was not until I discovered my destiny and began to walk in it that I could understand my worthiness and then money or the lack of it was no longer the driver nor the focus.
When you understand your destiny, your worth, then the eye of the needle becomes as large as you need it to be in order to walk right through it. When you fully come to terms with what you were placed here to do then the eye of the needle is no longer seen as an impossibility but rather a gateway. It all comes down to your own understanding of why you are here, what you should be doing, and then the rewards of any endeavor will be yours to do with as you desire. Wealth is not wicked, not when you couple it with worth, your worth, our worth, and the world's worth. When you can see your worth, your divinity, then wealth will no longer be something you strife after, it will become a part of you because you have finally seen it as it truly should be seen, your birth right. How you go after it is now up to you, but if I were you I would certainly try to understand it and don't let other's opinion of it get you off your chosen path. The path to your destiny will lead you to wealth and that wealth will be something you will share with others and then you will have begun to change the world.