Friday, June 25, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

TGIF, well if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that come out of some one's mouth, including me, I wouldn't have to dream about winning the Powerball. I love Fridays, because I love spending time with friends and loved ones over the weekend. But for the true believers in TGIF it has a completely different meaning. They are just so thrilled to be getting out of work and not having to deal with the stress or disdain for their current position again until Monday morning. I've got to tell you that this makes for a miserable existence. I know so many people who hate their job, hate their life, and that my friends is a lousy way to live, if one can call that living.

I'm not sure who said this, but it is so true, "work doing something you love, and then it never becomes a job." My goodness truer words have never been spoken. Just imagine if you could get up on a Monday morning knowing that the week ahead was going to be filled with only the things that you truly enjoyed doing. Next pick a number, maybe 50,0000 or dare I say it 1,000,000. Put a dollar sign ahead of that and that is what you would have to spend. How good would life be at this point. A million bucks and days filled with only happy thoughts in your happy place, smiling twenty four seven. Now I know what you're thinking what am I smoking or better yet what planet am I from? Hey call me crazy, but this is so achievable and yet so few people ever achieve this status or believe they can. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, this is the very core of what I believe and what I believe is available to every single person walking the globe. True Destiny is doing what you were born to do. Have you ever wondered why you were good at something? It's not a coincidence that some people have abilities beyond the norm. Sure some things take practice, and you may not be at the top of your form from day one, but after a while you will rule whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. My God people it's time someone told you the truth; you don't have to stay in a place you don't want to be. If what you are currently doing is not working, if you are not fulfilled, and if you just hate every minute of everyday that you have to be there, then get out. Life is too short to be taken up with a thankless job, working for thankless people, and wondering if this is as good as it gets. Now don't be foolish, don't just walk into your manager's or supervisor's office, call them all idiots and leave without an escape route. That escape route is another job in hand and all your ducks lined up in order. Getting your ducks lined up may take some time, but if it's worth having then it's worth working for.

Don't be like so many other people who feel as though there is no hope and they are destined to remain in a job they hate for what seems like eternity. Do some soul searching and determine what makes you happy, what trips your trigger, what turns your crank, what ever floats your boat. When it's all said and done, you control your actions, both good and bad. Don't let your current situation dictate what happens or doesn't happen to you in the future.

I believe that the future is bright, there are days when it may seem to be hidden behind the clouds, but your future is still there. Look into your heart and figure out what you have passion for and go after that. In the long run the only thing stopping you from your destiny is you. Think about that.............

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