Wednesday, June 30, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's one of those days where I have so much to accomplish that I need about 5 extra hours just to be able to get half of what I need to get done. I love a busy day, no time to be idle and idle minds can lead to trouble don't you know. I'm also having one of those days where my words just don't seem to be there. I have gotten into a writers block before, and it generally last a few minutes and then the words just seem to jump out onto the page and all is well with the world once again. I'm sure that today will prove to be the same way, but I hate it when inspiration isn't just flowing out like a brisk stream in the California hills. Now don't ask me why that picture came into my mind, I have stopped trying to figure out why I think about the things I think about from time to time.

Anyhow, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to impart today, and then just like that, it hit me. I need to remember the things that people have given to me over the years and maybe you might benefit from it also. I have many close friends and loved ones, but none so dear as this one individual, who shall remain nameless, but none-the-less has had so much impact on my life that I do not think there are enough words to thank this person for what they have meant to me and have taught me. I have leaned to love unconditionally. I have learned to be more tolerant and open minded. I have learned that beauty is not skin deep but the best part of a person is what is in the inside. I can remember on one occasion when I had plans to have dinner in and everything was set for a specific time. If anyone knows me they will tell you that I hate being late and my patience for others who are not prompt does not exist. It was on this one occasion that my patients was put to the test and I needed a lot of control when we finally sat down for dinner. Now there was not a good excuse for being late. I could handle car broke down, dog got sick, any number of things, but to just come in when you wanted to well that is a horse of a different color. We got thru dinner, but I was not amused. But to be perfectly honest, if this is the only short coming this person has, well I guess I am blessed beyond words. He gives me more insight into the things of this world then I could ever describe so I guess you have to take the good with the bad so to speak.

Was does this have to do with what people have imparted to me? Well thanks for asking that question. We have to get over some of the little things in life to really get to the meat and potatoes. I could have gone way over board and just walk away from the dinner and never given him a second chance. Trust me I wanted to, but deep down I know I couldn't do that. When it was all said and done, I still needed what he had to impart and what that was was life changing. So do yourself a favor and get off your high horse and realize that people are people, full of faults, present company included. Grab all the gusto, and never think you know it all, because you don't and I don't and we all need what each other brings to the table.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

In life there are a million questions, and each time we finally get the answer we are looking for that million mark adds another ten or twelve more questions. We Need to understand that there is never going to be a period in our lives when we are not learning, searching, or trying to figure out which way is up, down, in front, or behind. It would be great if we had all the answers, but in reality that would take all the fun out of living. Well not all the fun, but definitely some of the mystery. I would hate to think that I knew it all, after all, experiencing new things keeps up young and invigorated. Just imagine if you knew it all; wouldn't that take all the fun out of those new experiences?

I'm sure you know people who are stuck in the same old job, living in the same old town, talking to the same old friends, and always telling you they are going no-where fast. You might be able to spend a quiet afternoon with them but after a few hours you are ready to poke your eyes out just to get out of there. We all know these people and we try to steer away from them as much as possible. It's not that we don't like them, but believe you me they will take you down to their level of pity quicker than poop from a goose. It just happens and you can't do anything about it. You might be the most upbeat person walking the face of the earth and just hang around grumpy Gus for a while and you are ready to take the blade to your wrist.

There's no denying that laughter works like a medicine, and I for one love laughing and carrying on. Heck it keeps me young, happy, and more often than not very entertained. So surround yourself with people who make you smile, laugh, and can even help you forget about some of life's daily struggles. Now the struggles may not necessarily go away, but they just might not seem so insurmountable. I've told this to many people, but we often get wrapped around the wagon wheel when we are faced with getting things done, and don't quite know how to accomplish things. We might just walk around aimlessly for a while because we simply don't know how to get things started. Ever been there? I seem to be there every day, now maybe it's my A.D.D., but no matter how you look at it sometimes we just need a little nudge or push from a friend. If you find yourself in this situation reach out to a friend and ask for that friendly kick in the pants. I'm sure each of us have friends who are more than willing to kick you in the ass to get you to do something. Heck isn't that what friends are for.

So here's the bottom line; you're never going to stop asking questions, and you're never going to have all the answers. The best we can hope to expect is that from time to time someone will throw us a bone and along with it an answer to one of life's great mysteries. In the meantime while you are waiting for the answer, get out there and have some fun. You just might change another life by sharing your joy and happiness. And if you are at a point where you lack joy and happiness, well join with someone at the hip who does have it. Laughter is contagious, and you can't be around it very long before you are enjoying every minute of it with a huge smile on your face. I don't care how bad a day you might be having or have had, get yourself laughing and the rest will work it self out. You're just going to have to trust me on this one. Oh, and one more thing, don't let life dictate your actions, you tell it what to do. Think about that.......

Monday, June 28, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's raining cats and dogs this morning, but without the rain what would we do? Had a wonderful weekend in Rochester New York. Went back home and saw friends who I hadn't seen in 32 years. It's always funny to go back to your childhood home and remember all the good times that took place there. They say you can never go back, not so sure I believe that. I never plan on leaving my beautiful State of Maine and it's awesome coastline, but have to tell you that Rochester comes in a close second. I learned a few things over the weekend. Number one, everyone has issues and problems and they are trying just like everyone else to get through each day without going stark raving mad. I also realized that I can't always fix other's problems, but I can lend an open ear, an open heart, and be there for support.

One of the great things about going back to your roots is you have the opportunity to think about what formed and shaped you into what you have become today. I guess I had some pretty good forming and shaping. Now don't get me wrong, I am far from perfect, but as a whole I think I came out pretty good and I think if you asked my friends and loved ones they would agree. One of the things that always amazes me is the people who you always thought had it together low those many years ago, and today they just don't have the drive and are where they are at forever. On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are those who you never thought would have amounted to anything and they are successful and full of life. What changed in each of these people's lives? What caused one to flounder and one to prosper? It just goes to prove you can't tell a book by it 's cover.

I live a very simple life with very few rules, but one of the rules I always follow is never judge. Now I will be honest and let you know that there was a time in my life that I was very judgmental, but all it ever seemed to do was get me into hot water and after a few bad experiences I learned very quickly not to do it again. I want to give everyone a chance at life and success. What I never want to do is look at a person and doom them to the same position they are in right now. Most people given the option will always try to put themselves in a better position. If they don't, and they have the ability then I might question their judgement.

I really think we live in a time when possibilities are endless. That's not to say everyone is going to succeed, but everyone has the opportunity to try. My role is to lead you in the right direction. I can show you where to walk, but I can't make you take the steps. That is entirely up to you. But never be afraid to step out into those things that are yours. You have not because you ask not... Keep seeking and keep asking, and one day you will wake up and find out that you are where you are supposed to be and the journey wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

Friday, June 25, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

TGIF, well if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that come out of some one's mouth, including me, I wouldn't have to dream about winning the Powerball. I love Fridays, because I love spending time with friends and loved ones over the weekend. But for the true believers in TGIF it has a completely different meaning. They are just so thrilled to be getting out of work and not having to deal with the stress or disdain for their current position again until Monday morning. I've got to tell you that this makes for a miserable existence. I know so many people who hate their job, hate their life, and that my friends is a lousy way to live, if one can call that living.

I'm not sure who said this, but it is so true, "work doing something you love, and then it never becomes a job." My goodness truer words have never been spoken. Just imagine if you could get up on a Monday morning knowing that the week ahead was going to be filled with only the things that you truly enjoyed doing. Next pick a number, maybe 50,0000 or dare I say it 1,000,000. Put a dollar sign ahead of that and that is what you would have to spend. How good would life be at this point. A million bucks and days filled with only happy thoughts in your happy place, smiling twenty four seven. Now I know what you're thinking what am I smoking or better yet what planet am I from? Hey call me crazy, but this is so achievable and yet so few people ever achieve this status or believe they can. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, this is the very core of what I believe and what I believe is available to every single person walking the globe. True Destiny is doing what you were born to do. Have you ever wondered why you were good at something? It's not a coincidence that some people have abilities beyond the norm. Sure some things take practice, and you may not be at the top of your form from day one, but after a while you will rule whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. My God people it's time someone told you the truth; you don't have to stay in a place you don't want to be. If what you are currently doing is not working, if you are not fulfilled, and if you just hate every minute of everyday that you have to be there, then get out. Life is too short to be taken up with a thankless job, working for thankless people, and wondering if this is as good as it gets. Now don't be foolish, don't just walk into your manager's or supervisor's office, call them all idiots and leave without an escape route. That escape route is another job in hand and all your ducks lined up in order. Getting your ducks lined up may take some time, but if it's worth having then it's worth working for.

Don't be like so many other people who feel as though there is no hope and they are destined to remain in a job they hate for what seems like eternity. Do some soul searching and determine what makes you happy, what trips your trigger, what turns your crank, what ever floats your boat. When it's all said and done, you control your actions, both good and bad. Don't let your current situation dictate what happens or doesn't happen to you in the future.

I believe that the future is bright, there are days when it may seem to be hidden behind the clouds, but your future is still there. Look into your heart and figure out what you have passion for and go after that. In the long run the only thing stopping you from your destiny is you. Think about that.............

Thursday, June 24, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's a humid day in Maine, and hopefully the rain that is coming this afternoon will break this awful humidity. This is one of those occasions where rain is a welcome sight. So what's on my mind today? If you know me, and many of you do you will know that I suffer from terminal focus, I mean if I am doing something I get to it and don't let a lot get in my way. You might say I have reverse Attention Deficit Disorder. The problem I have is that my mind seems to be traveling at a million miles per second, and very rarely do I ever have a chance to just sit down and relax and do nothing. I am always thinking about friends and wondering if I have done everything for them that I can when asked. I am the type of person who can not stand to see someone hurting or having hard times. I have so much compassion that the protector in me comes out at a moments notice. It's not that I want or can even save the whole world, but at least I want to be able to do my part and be there for friends when they need it. Problem is I have a tough time saying no or that I can't help them. I will give my friends my last dollar if they need it, even if it means going without myself. I guess I learned to do that raising a child. We always do for our children, and no matter how old they get we still want to be there for them when they need us. Anyway, I have been helping a friend lately who is in a very precarious spot. Did this person put themselves there? Yea, but never-the-less it happened and now they are paying the consequences. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to get people to understand that I do for friends because they are friends. If we turned our back on people just because someone else might be able to help them, then sooner or later we will get to the point where we don't offer in the first place.

I find it very difficult to not want to give what I have to make someone else a little more comfortable, or to help them get through a tough time. Maybe I am taken advantage of from time to time, but I guess that is the price I am willing to pay to be there for friends when they need me. I refuse to get jaded and therefore withhold the best part of my personality, that being a giver. There are plenty of takers in the world today, but Givers, well that is an entirely different story. Are there times when I wish there were someone there for me when I go through tough times, oh sure we all feel that way. But there are times when I have to put others in front of my needs because my help might be the only help out there.

Do yourself a favor and look at your attitude and how you either give or don't give of yourself. An act of generosity or giving to someone else can put a smile on your face and just might change the world for someone else. And one last thing; don't let people talk you out of helping. I know there are times when people feel I am be taken advantage of, but I am smart enough to know what I am doing, and only I know the real purpose or reason that I am so free to give of my time, efforts, and resources. A wise man once said, "That which you do for the least of your brethren, you do unto me." Maybe it's time we do just that and forget about what everyone else thinks or does. Think about that.............

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

As I ponder my future I am overcome with feelings of excitement, happiness, and yes even a little nervousness. One can not look to the future and not wonder what will come into play and what will ultimately win out. If you believe in True Destiny, and you know I do, you can't help but be excited about what lies ahead because you know you will be in the right place at the right time, doing what it is you have been destined to do your whole life. The question you have to ask yourself is do you believe this? If you don't well you need to start examining why not. If you do believe this, well all I can say is "Good on you".

Destiny is not something you pick, it picks you. We all have something inside of us that we are supposed to do. For some it is vast and big, for others it may just be the simple things in life. There is no measuring stick when it comes to one's destiny. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and I made a statement that if everyone on the face of the earth was walking in their true destiny, there would be near perfection in the world. His comment was that if all people walked in their destiny who would be doing some of the less stellar jobs, like housekeeping, garbage collector, etc. What makes you think that there are not people in this world who want to be housekeepers and Garbage collectors. Their personality and desire to be of service to others is just as important as any other profession, Doctor, Lawyer, etc. We have to get away from titles and trust that people are doing a job because it is more of a vocation than just a job. Not let me stop here and say one thing. There is evil in the world, there's no getting around that. But at the same time evil can be overcome by good, and that is something we just have to have faith in. Imagine if all the prisoners in our jails and prisons had managed to figure out what their true purpose in life was. If before they chose to break the law they instead did what was deep within them, maybe just maybe we wouldn't have the over crowded jails and prisons. Now I know there are some of you out there who feel that I live in a fantasy world, but no matter how you cut it, if one is happy and productive, crime or the thought of committing a crime will very rarely come into the picture. Wouldn't it be great if we could turn back the hands of time and be able to swoop down just before the commitment of a crime and freeze time and talk to the perpetrator and put them on the right course of life. Yea I know, I'm as crazy as a Shit House Rat, but my belief structure can see it no other way. How different would people's lives be if someone took the time to speak to their potential, show a little compassion and understanding, and really share their life's experiences with others.

True Destiny is a knowing that no matter what life throws at you; no matter how difficult your situation is; and no matter what other's think, you will get to the top of the mountain and cry victory. I have been so down and out on my luck in the past, that if it wasn't for bad luck I would have had no luck at all. I have been close to bankruptcy, out of work, down to my last dollar, and I still had to look to the future and know that things were going to work out. Did I want to quit, oh yea. Have there been times in my life when it seemed that I would be better off assuming room temperature and let all the pain and suffering stop. The answer to that is yes. But even during my most difficult periods I knew I had a destiny, and I was going to walk in that destiny. I know that I know that I know, that I will have an impact on other's lives. I was put on this earth to speak life and not death, to inspire and not reject, and to equip and not break down. I choose to believe that the best years are still ahead of me. I know that lots of people will benefit from my words, and the exciting part about that is that they in turn will be of benefit to others who are also in a difficult place.

I want the best for everyone, and everyone should want the best for themselves and those they love and consider friends. It's time to think about what makes you tick and head toward the high calling. I don't care who you are, there is something inside all of us that is calling to each of us to accomplish something in this life. The question is, Will you take the time to figure out what that something is? Life can be grand, and at times it can really suck, but when it is all said and done, what side of the coin will you be on? It's time to ask some tough questions of yourself and it's time to be honest with yourself. I know it may be difficult to do, but it is something that has to come first. True Destiny, isn't it time you figure yours out? Think about it...........

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's another day, and most of us are getting up to do the same old thing again. Ever get the feeling that life will never change and you are going to be stuck in the same old job forever? I must admit that I have felt that very same thing several times during my life. Oh the drudgery of getting up on a Monday and wishing it were Friday. I have had those very same thoughts and to be blunt it sucks. I have gotten to the point in my life were making tons of money is not the motivation I need. I would much rather have a position that allows me to have a sense of accomplishment for having made a difference in some one's life. I've said before I've been rich and I've been poor and rich is better. But when it all comes down to it, rich is not better if you hate your job, Life, surroundings and what not. Give me a challenge of helping someone obtain the job of their dreams, and I will flourish. I've worked for companies where profit was the bottom line, and you never felt fulfilled because it wasn't your money, and you really weren't benefiting for all the effort you put forth. I was having a conversation with a very wise man the other day, my father, and we talked about the change in Corporate America. Most companies have lost touch and have failed to realize that the most important asset that any company has is the people who work there. It's not the products they produce, it's not the service they provide, and it's not the bottom of the spread sheet. It is the employees who have given of themselves to help the company prosper. If we do not fundamentally change the way companies view their employees then we are heading down a path were there will be no recovery and all will be lost.

I am so amazed when I see companies who have made a ton of money, the company is sold, the owners take the profits from the sale and leave the old employees holding nothing. Wait a minute, weren't these the same employees who through their sweat and determination helped to make the company successful? Weren't these the same employees who sacrificed so that the company could get through the tough times? Weren't these the same employees who gave up their time off to come in and make sure the job was done right? You've got to have a screw loose not to realize that these same hard workers are the one who have been shut out of the proceeds and wondering what the hell just happened. I am so tired of the corporate greed that exist in the world today. Now don't get me wrong, I am a capitalist and I believe in free markets, but what we are talking about here has nothing to do with the free market system. It has everything to do with remembering those who helped you get where you are at and giving credit where credit is do. I love the comment from some employers that they appreciate their workers and they show it each week when the paychecks go out. That my friends is nothing more than horse shit. The paychecks that come out are for the work the employees did for you, they earned it. What I'm talking about is the special things you might consider doing for an employee. What about a weekend away with a loved one fully paid by the company, or dinner out on the company, or simply a note of thanks with a gift box or something like that. If you want your employees to do more, then you have to do more also and not just fall back on the same position that I give them a paycheck. Don't be a fool, if it weren't for them there would be no revenue generated, you wouldn't be able to cut a paycheck and therefore you wouldn't have a company. Such cut the double talk and do what is right.

So why am I going on this tirade this morning? I have seen this happen so many times lately and quite frankly I am growing weary of the whole thing. If I can single handily fix one company at a time that is what I am going to do. It's time we put our money where our mouth is. Either you appreciate the efforts of all the people who work with you or you don't. There is no middle ground. Hell look at the compensation that some of these Corporate CEO's are making. The BP CEO took home over six million dollars last year. Gee I wonder how that makes the minimum wage earner feel. Did that person who made $25,000.00 last year give any less effort than the CEO, probably not. Now I know the CEO has far more responsibility, but responsibility and effort are two different things. Let's reward our employees for their work ethic. After all a good sound work ethic goes hand in hand with productivity and profits, and isn't that what most companies are looking for.

So think about this; next time you are trying to decide what is best for your company, why not ask what is best for my employees. I dare say that if you fix this the rest will fall in line and the value of your company will be greater than you could ever imagine.

Monday, June 21, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Well it's the first day of Summer and what can I say about the weather we have had thus far this year. Compared to last year this has been paradise. As I look to the upcoming summer months I am so excited about the possibilities that abound for me, and for each of you. I was taking some time the other day to do some much needed soul searching. This is a practice I have done for many years. Just taking a few days to be alone and think about what I want to do with my life and what I hope will come to me in the future. It is something that I recommend everyone do from time to time. Life has a way of getting in the way from time to time, and there are times when we just need to take a step back, look at where we are at and where we want to go. What's the old saying, we sometimes can't see the forest because of all the trees. Well the same can be said about life since there are times when life over powers us and we get into a position that makes us say "what's the use?". " I might as well just give up", as opposed to fighting all the battles. I have known people in my life who have given up and if they had just stayed in the battle a little longer victory would have come to them. Now that is sometimes easier said then done, but you just can't give up on yourself, especially when you know there is something inside of you that has to come out.

I talk about True Destiny a lot, duh look at the title of my book. But we all have a destiny and we just need to take the time to figure out what that destiny is. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and he made an interesting comment. He said that if everyone in this world was doing what they were supposed to be doing and being happy he could not see how that would benefit anyone and didn't think we could survive. Well let me tell you, I could not let that one go unchallenged. Think about it, if you were doing the job or vocation that you were intended to do what would life be like for you? Let me guess, happy, fulfilled, over pouring with excitement and joy. Doesn't seem like that is such a bad thing. You might not be making the money that you always dreamt of, but then again is money really the motivator here. I have had jobs that have paid me a ton of money and yet I was the most miserable person walking the planet. I hear people talk about dreams and they make it sound like it is the end of the world if everyone accomplished their dreams. If you believe in Destiny, then you have to also believe in a divine plan that was mapped out long before you and I. The world would be a much better place if everyone was doing what they were destined to do. I can't believe for a minute that our prison are filled with inmates who were destined to be there. Now they are there because they did something that warranted it, but that was not their destiny. They just chose a different path, albeit, not a smart one. But if each prisoner was able to turn back the hands of time and be what they were born to be, there would not be a need for the ever expanding prison system. I know that I have been accused of being an idealist, but I can't be any other way. We just have to get to the point where getting to the right place is the only thing that matters. If you were in the job that you were destined to be in do you really think that we would have all the problems that we see in the world today. Think about it, marriages would be stronger, children would have the proper guidance and feelings of worth. Crime would be lowered and on and on and on.

Do I think that the world can be solved overnight, not a Snow Balls chance in Hell. But I do believe that if I can get someone to sit down take an inventory of themselves, know where they are at,where they are going, and what they want to really do when they grow up, then I think we just might have a chance to right the ship. Folks it's time to realize that most of us are not doing what we were destined to do. So so many people are trapped in positions they do not want, do not like, and regrettably do not know how to get out of. Just Imagine if everyone was doing what they wanted. I think just maybe we might see life just a little differently. Now I know I will hear "You can't do just what you want!" My response is, Why Not? Since when does anyone have a patent on life. Doing what you want doesn't mean throwing caution to the wind, telling your employer to go screw themselves, and just dropping everything to go to the beach. No far from it, if you are working in an area where your passion is pouring out, you aren't even thinking about skipping out of work to do something else, because work is no longer work, it is a vocation. I could go on for days talking about this, but that might just bore you and I need material for another day. For today just do me one favor, look inside of yourself and ask some simple questions; are you happy doing what you are doing? Do you seeing yourself doing this job for the next thirty years? Do you feel as though you make a difference? And finally, do you want more out of life? When you can answers those questions honestly come talk to me and lets take a journey to find your destiny. It is out there, we just may need to dig it up from under piles of garbage. Don't give up and don't give in. You will find your destiny, and when you do, life will change forever. Now think about that.........

Friday, June 18, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's going to be a beautiful weekend in Maine and I for one am going to be out there soaking up as much sun as I can take and living life to the fullest. If I can be so bold to say, most people do not know what it is like to live life to the fullest, and that is a sad state of affairs. I know so many people who walk around all day with this tiny little thunder cloud hovering above them. To them the sky is always falling or they are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel for people like these because there is no need for such nonsense. Now don't get me wrong, bad things can and do happen to good people. Conversely good things always seem to happen to less than stellar people, I haven't quite figured that one out just yet. But to simply give up because the going gets tough is just down right stupid. We all go through rough patches in our lives. I have been through some many rough patches I could fill the largest football stadium in the world with rough patches. But the one thing that I do is never give up and never say never.

You have heard me say in the past, or read my words, that it's never over until I say it is. You have to take this to heart and realize that you can and will get through the tough times in life. That's not to say that you will come out of it untouched and not cut and tattered. I have more bruises from tough times than Carter has tiny little liver pills. But my attitude is and always will be, get back up on the horse when she bucks you off. Every now and again you just need someone to remind you of these things. People are desperate today to hear promising words and uplifting messages. They need to know that they are not alone in the muck and Myer that they are going through. Truth be told we all have these difficult times but some people never want to admit it. To them it is a weakness to say that things suck at times. Well let's face it things do suck at times and it is those times when we need people around us who can be there to help us up and move us on our way. I can not turn my back on friends, as much as I would like to some times, but deep down my compassion is too strong and I can't stand seeing someone hurt and lost. Yea maybe I am a softy, but as I have said before Karma is a bitch and it will bite you in the butt someday.

So what can you do when the times get tough? Stand up tall, take no prisoners, and for heavens sake, don't fall into despair and worry. All despair and worry can do is send you to an early grave. Trust me, there have been times in my life when I wanted to die. I mean seriously I would lay in bed at night praying to God that I didn't wake up the next morning. Not that is desperation with a Capital D. Thank goodness he had other plans for me and I am still around kicking and scratching all the way. Life is not simple, and times may be tough, but deep down inside each of us is a knowledge that there is something we are suppose to accomplish in this life. My task is to pull that out of each of you. To get you to see the big picture, and to realize that our best times are ahead of us and together we will reach the mountain top. The view from the top is spectacular and I for one want to take in it's beauty and splendor. So what do you say, give me a call and let's talk about what makes you tick, what makes you happy, and what stands in your way. We will come out of this and we will be stronger. After all, if life is a journey, there is no reason to go it alone. Think about it..............

Thursday, June 17, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

As I sit down this morning to write I think about the many obstacles we face on any given day. Some of them as simple as how many sugars in my coffee or tea, others more difficult and thought inspiring. But no matter what obstacles we run into, how you get past them is entirely up to you. I have been faced with many difficult situations in my life, and there are times when I just want to turn around and high tail it for the hills in the hopes that my problems will just disappear behind me. Oh if only life were that simple. I have come to the conclusion in my life that running away from life's problems is never the answer, and ultimately you will still need to face them no matter how long you put off the inevitable. I have often told people that how one handles success is equally as important as how we handle our failures or tough times. There are no magical words that we can speak to make a bad situation go away. If it were possible to do that I would patent the recipe and be rich beyond my dreams. Alas we often have to face our issues head on, sometimes alone and sometimes with the help of others, but face them we must.

Now I have told you before that I avoid confrontation at all cost. Not because I am afraid of confrontation but more often than not it does no good to confront someone who is unwilling to admit they may be wrong, or may have done something to hurt. Let's face it, those that like to hurt with actions or words are not likely to be open to criticism or confrontation. Now we all know people who live to cause hate and discontent, there is one in every family, just in case you were wondering. There are others still, who hate anyone who seems to have more than them or has something good happen to them. It may be jealousy or envy, but how ever you look at it they are simply mean spirited people who want it all for nothing. I love it when I hear that something great has happened to a close friend or associate. Do I wish that good things always happened to me, of course I do, I'm only human after all, but I also love it when someone who has fought the good fight, gets to the finish line first, or gets the gold medal so to speak. I love hearing about the underdog being victorious in the things they do. Not only does it bring a smile to my face, but gives me hope that my attempts to accomplish my goals will not be for naught. We need to cherish every victory, and learn from our defeats. We need to recognize that not everyone is going to succeed, but even more importantly not everyone is going to fail. I know what side of the equation I want to be on, what about you?

So let's get back to obstacles, and developing a belief that they are not insurmountable, and do not have to mean that life is over. There's no denying that life is a challenge every single day, but those challenges also build character and with each success comes a renewed vigor to accomplish other things. We need to look at these situations as an opportunity to grow and learn. Yea, not what you wanted to hear, but it had to be said, and hopefully you will listen.

So here's the bottom line; accept the fact that difficulties will arise in life. Times will not always be sunny, and most of all, you can't tackle life's difficulties alone. There are people out there who are willing and able to assist you in most everything. When you find them don't let go, and if you can be one of those types who will put others first, well all I can say is "Bless you". Life is a journey, one that will lead you to your "True Destiny", so do me a favor and forget about doing it by yourself. Take someone along for the ride, and if you have the opportunity, offer your services to someone else who is on their own journey. You will never walk around feeling empty and you just might put a smile on someone's face. Think about that one for a moment..........

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Einstein's theory said "For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction." Well the same can be said about life in general. But then again my father I think put it best, "if it's worth doing it's worth doing right." As I look toward the future, and don't you know that no one can predict it with 100 percent certainty, I have a new understanding of what I have to accomplish. Now I know some people will say it's what I want to accomplish. I would disagree, in my situation it really is what I need to accomplish. If you believe that everyone is born with a purpose, as I do, then you must also believe that there are things that each of us needs to fulfill in this lifetime. Trouble is most people never have the opportunity to discover what that purpose is, let alone accomplish what it is they are suppose to complete.

I believe in passion, no so much from a physical side, although I do believe in that, but rather passion for an idea, vocation, vision, whatever you want to label it as. I equally believe that the average person is drawn to someone who displays that passion. We long to feel the excitement of a situation or opportunity. We gravitate toward the "Just out of Reach" idea. We look toward the future and dream big dreams for things we would love to have, but not sure we will ever get them. No matter how you look at it we all have passion for certain things in our life, trouble is once again, too many people never take the time to discover what they are passionate about, or very regrettably, are afraid to verbalize the dreams they have. If you have a dream, a goal, a desire, don't give up on them. Whether you're 18 or 38, 58, or even 88, we all have unfulfilled dreams in our life. Go after them and never stop until you get there. Is there a chance that you might not make it? Sure there is, but here's the theory again, there's just as good a chance that you will. You see Einstein is not the only smart person in the world.

As you approach this day, open yourself up to new ideas, and the possibility of a new direction in your life. Don't let the fear of the unknown stop you from making the attempt, and for goodness sake don't let some one's doubt and unbelief dictate your actions. I've said it many times in the past, people will take you down to their levels, very rarely are you able to bring them up to yours. Seek out the help that is out there to get you to your rightful place.

And just for the record, Einstein was right, for every action there is an opposite. Just make sure you stay on the right side of this equation, trust me, life is much better that way. Think about it..............

Sunday, June 13, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

What's the old adage, you ride the horse til she bucks you? Or better yet, when you fall off that horse, you need to climb back on. Either way, life has a way of taking us down, and if we refuse to fight, we lose. As you can tell It has been some time since I posted, no excuses except life has a way of happening. But I am back in the saddle so to speak and it's time once again to focus and pass on words of encouragement and insights that just might make your journey a little more pleasurable.

I have had a series of set backs lately, and even though I would like to have tossed it all in I realized that there was more that needed to be done in my life and I wasn't going to let the Bastards get me down. Forgive the profanity, but sometimes you need to call a spade a spade and forget about Political Correctness. If I have learned one thing in life it is that life will go on with or without me, and I for one want to be part of the future. A future I might add that is bright, full of promise and with endless possibilities. I have known very few people in my life who have not been faced with roadblocks, hurdles, and set-backs. In the same token I have known countless people who have rolled over on life and just called it quits at the first sign of adversity. The question you have to ask yourself is what type of person do you want to be. There is always the chance that something that is important to you will not be of any significance to someone else. What turns your crank, may not trip their trigger. But do you really care what others may think or do? If your vision is truly your vision, then it shouldn't mean a tinker's who-rah what others think. Yea sure we want other people's approval, but what happens when you don't get it, and you still haven't completed your task in life? Forget about what others think and move forward to your high calling. In my book I use a quote I heard almost 30 years ago, wish I could tell You where it came from, but I can't. The quote goes like this, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed." We are never going to be successful at everything. Oh sure, we would like to think we will be, but let's be real, it isn't likely to work out that way. So let's realize that failure in what ever form, in what ever degree, is going to come to all of us sooner or later. Sidebar; if you haven't experienced failure to date in your life, consider yourself fortunate, because it's not likely you will continue on that path forever. Anyway, failure is an opportunity to rethink, redo, or otherwise take another whack at things. The key to failure is that you don't give up and you don't let the "Bastards" get you down. Ok sorry for the gutter talk again, I will try not to let that happen again.

So what's the next step? That's simple to answer. You just take the next step, maybe a baby step, maybe a huge leap of faith, but a step none-the-less. Again let me say, we only fail when we quit. We only fail when we don't move forward after a trial. And we only fail if we high tail it away because of adversity. Never give up and never give in. Life is indeed a journey, and as I have said so so so many times in the past, and undoubtedly many times to come in the future, never, never, never go it alone. Think about it............