This on one of the most magical weeks in the entire year. Most schools are closed for the holiday week, as children are chomping at the bit for Christmas to get here. Countless people are attempting to get that last bit of shopping done, which was supposed to be done weeks ago. I am one of those and most likely will be doing most of it one or two days before Christmas. Most of you who know me know that I love the Christmas season so so much. I truly believe there needs to be Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men. I aslo beleive that we have gotten away from the true meaning of the christmas season which is evident by the stress on so many people's faces this time of year. Why is it we feel as though we have to keep up with the Jone's. Isn't it enough that we have time with friends, family and loved ones during this special time of year, and not worry about the number of presents under the tree? And yet for most people we only have limited contact with friends, family and loved ones during this time of year.
I try to keep the Christmas spirit going throughout the year. Now I do take down the decorations shortly before the new year, but I keep the memories of this season with me throughout the year. I look for opportunities to bless others, and will not pass up an opportunity to help others in need. You need to know that my desire to help others is not due to the fact that I am better than others, or because I have an abundance to give. I would give away my last dollar if someone needed it. My desire to bless others is due in large part to my honest belief that people are deserving of being blessed. It is not based on anything that they have done, but rather simply because they are alive and roaming the planet. I do not bless people because there is something in it for me, but because I feel compassion and compassion drives most of my activities.
During this season why not think of others and see what it does for you. Putting other's needs ahead of yours will change your life and perspective. In my book I talk about someone taking the first step toward their destiny. It only takes one step to get you going, and after that first step the second is just a little bit easier. The same can be said about displaying compassion. Each time you display this it gets a little easier the second, third and fourth time. In fact with each successive display of compassion you will eventually get to the point where it is common place in your life and it becomes what you are.
We are all in need of people who display compassion to us. Everyone has the need to feel as though they belong to someone or something. As I have said so many times before being alone is a horrific place to be in life. We are creatures who need contact with others. Just look at people who have been kept in some type of solitary confinement. It only takes a little bit of time before they go absolutely mad. Say what you want about being alone and going at things alone, I don't buy it and will call you crazy if you say you like it. We are social creatures and we need social interaction. Yes some need it more than others, but we all need it to varying degrees.
I challenge each of you this week to reach out and touch a life or two. What you put into action this week could very well change a life forever, and forever is a very long time. Think about it.....
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