Saturday, November 25, 2023

Intention, Intention, Intention

What is intention?  Who decides intention?  Is intention even real?  Well today I want to explore this very deep topic, and in the course of events, hopefully shed some light on a topic that has confused people for years, and years, and years.  

Let me start out with a very simple analogy:  every person has dreams.  Thoughts of what if, ideas that bring joy and happiness.  Dreams come in all shapes and sizes.  Dreams are often thought of as just ideas, simple visions, hopes.  No matter what size a dream may be, there is a purpose behind each of them.  The first thing to do is to realize that dreams are so much more than just a thought.  In many cases dreams are there to lead you to a specific path in your life.  Now just to put to rest what some are thinking, we all have crazy dreams from time to time.  Having Super Powers to fly around and save humanity.  Driving down a highway in a car and the car turns into a soup can.  We could take this to the level of lunacy, but just for a moment let's bring it back to reality and say that dreams are stepping stones to our destiny.  The question that comes to mind is what do dreaming and setting an intention have in common?  Let's delve into this and see if we can't bring some clarity.

Intention is believing that things we desire will in fact come into existence.  Intention is stepping out into something even when those around us think we have gone insane and lost our minds.  It has been suggested by numerous people that manifesting our desires, setting the intention of what we desire, is nothing more than a mental exercise. In this I couldn't agree more.  The reason individuals can never manifest what they desire is because they can't believe they can actually have what they desire.  They have not been able to grasp that they should have what they desire, maybe because of their level of worthiness.  Please trust me when I say that one's worthiness is never predicated upon what someone else thinks.  Setting the intention for something is nothing more than an extension of something you have dreamt about.  As the picture for today's blog shows, Dream, plan, act.  Well setting the intention is nothing more than dreaming it, setting up a plan, and finally acting on that plan.  Without an intent there can be no action, and if there is not action there will never be an outcome, at least the outcome you are looking for.

How many times have you been having a conversation with someone and they will make the comment "Oh I wish"?  How often have you thought of something, and in thinking this simple thought it takes you to a place of "what if"?  Each of these examples are nothing more than dreams.  Dreams of what could be. Dreams of what one desires.  Dreams of accomplishment, success, happiness, and joy.  Each dream as I've said previously is a stepping stone to your true destiny.  Each dream no matter how small is nothing more than a start, an idea, a feeling.  Each dream, an imaginary thought, is there to move you somewhere.  Too many times we discount these small, yet meaningful ideas, as merely a passing thought, when in actuality they are guidepost to our destiny.  

Dreaming, planning, acting is all a part of intention.  Setting the intention is nothing more than adding belief to a dream, feeling the conclusion of the dream, knowing that this dream is intended for you, as there truly is a purpose behind every dream, whether you believe it, or even realize it.  So many dreams die an early death because people never set the intention.  Dreams die because individuals never set a plan, and even if they do plan it out, never set activities in motion to add action to a plan.  You cannot set an intention without putting in the effort to either work toward a goal, or as a minimum open yourself up to receive a blessing in the form of a miracle.  Maybe I'll write about miracles at a later date, suffice it to say we stop any flow of the miraculous because once again the topic of worthiness comes in.  But I digress.  Setting intentions is so important because it really is the first step after realizing you have a goal.  It is the first step after a dream.  It is the most important step as intention is your acceptance that you indeed have an idea, a dream, a desire.  

Intention isn't something that can ever be discounted.  Intention is critical if one is ever going to fully embrace the journey to destiny.  Intention in its simplest terms is the building block to almost any activity.  Does anyone ever set out on a task asking to fail?  Do you think that the dreams you have are simply there to entertain?  Do you really think that these ideas you have are simply there to amuse you?  That's not how things operate in the perfection of the universe.  We have been given dreams, ideas, desires, because there is something we are supposed to do with them.  The Creator of the Universe does not put a dream or desire in you simply to laugh at you because you are stupid enough to believe it is for you. We need to accept certain truths, and one of those truths is that dreams come to us because we are supposed to take action on them.  Dreams are signals of blessings, blessings meant for good, and not harm.

When we set the intention for anything we must have faith.  I know that many people have struggled with the topic of faith as of late, but struggles often bring clarity, and it is this clarity that will open up your ability to walk in faith, and thereby with much confidence set the intention to either receive, or walk in your dreams.  Nothing in life comes to us without a cost.  Now many see the word "cost" as a punishment or as a limiter. What I mean by cost is that it comes with required action on your part.  Taking action on a dream.  Moving forward with plans and goals.  Once again nothing comes to us without effort on our part, even if it's minimal action.  When we set an intention we are saying we believe in the dream.  When we set the intention we are accepting the goodness that comes from a dream.  When we set the intention we are acknowledging our worthiness to receive all manner of good in life.  

Intention, intention, intention, dreams, dreams, dreams.  Take the first step and believe.  Believe you have dreams for a reason, and then set the intention that each dream is meant for you. When we accept certain things in life, certain things happen.  We are so blessed to have a vivid imagination, and that imagination has brought forth some pretty incredible things in this world.  No matter what you see, it all began with a single thought, or in some cases a simple dream.  It is time to dream, big or small, simply dream.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Blessings are there for the taking.

We are about to enter into the most festive time of the year, that wonderful timeline between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It is by far my favorite time of the year, and this year is extra special as this has been a year filled with so many differences, but those differences have indeed come disguised as blessings.  What I want to do today is bring to the forefront all those things that may have taken place this year, and even in the midst of despair, we should look at them as blessings, and just how important each of them are in regards to our growth and movement forward in the evolution process of our accession. 

Blessings are truly in the eyes of the beholder, and how we see blessings is dependent on how you see life.  If you're a glass is half empty type of person, then what should be a blessing to you is most likely going to be viewed as a deterrent to happiness.  If on the other hand you are the half full type of person, then almost any situation that arises is going to be seen as a learning opportunity, and thus a blessing often in disguise.  Want to guess what side of the coin I think you should be on?

As we enter into the full holiday season we often reflect on those things we are deeply thankful for, and in doing so we position ourselves to receive the full measure of those blessings.  Too often we settle for less when in fact what we go through is to bring us to a fuller understanding of how wonderful life is, and the significance of what is being laid in front of us to experience and grow through.  There's no doubt that many have gone through some trying times this past year, but if one will take a moment and see through the turmoil, the fear, the anxiety of life, one will see the purpose behind all things, and the wonder that will come from learning from each experience.  

I have been through some very difficult situations this past year, none of which I would wish for anyone else.  Through these events I have been forced to look at who I am, what I am, and why what I have learned is so important for this next phase of life.  When one decides to negate these lessons, then one sets themselves onto a path of having to repeat certain events until the lesson that was set in motion is fully learned.  I for one have learned to not repeat situations, thus eliminating much stress, confusion, and ultimately make life a little easier to navigate.  My blessings have come in the form of recognizing my strengths, in understanding my gifts, and the reason I have been blessed with my abilities.  I've often asked for guidance when I sit down to write.  My style of writing is more like a conversation over the kitchen table.  I see other authors who have a far more eloquent way of presenting ideas, but I am what I am, and how I present things, maybe in a simple nature, is how I present what I am directed to present.  Too often we try to measure our gift against others, and let me tell you that doing this is nothing more than diminishing what has been placed in you to do.  We each have our own calling, and that calling was placed in you because you are equipped to do what needs to be done.  Walk in you gifts, and grow in your gifting.  Trust me, doors will open at the appointed time, and what you have been charged to accomplish will come to pass.

Often in life we are challenged, but these challenges are nothing more than opportunities of blessings, and as I've said blessings are there for the taking if you will accept them, and realize the reason behind each of them.  This coming week we celebrate Thanksgiving.  It is a day to reflect on what we have, who we are, and really why we are here.  Sadly there are many people who will have trouble finding even a single thing to be thankful for this year.  Situations, circumstances, events, all playing into a dismal outlook of life, negating all the positive that should come from every situation, circumstance, or event.  Our failure to see the good in all things is what makes being thankful an almost impossible task, but being thankful for life, being thankful for life lessons, being thankful for you, now that is what we need to be doing, and we need to embrace thankfulness in all that we do, and all that we are.

Allow me to challenge you for a moment.  Even little inconsequential things are things we can be thankful for.  Maybe you had time for that steaming hot cup of coffee this morning.  Maybe your favorite football team had a huge victory.  Maybe, just maybe, that kiss from your fur baby this morning was nothing more than a touch from your Angel showing how loved you are.  Little blessings add up to a life full of blessing, and a life full of blessings is what everyone should be after, should be hoping for, and should ultimately be thankful for.  Great, great gifts often come to us in tiny packages, but no matter the size of the gift, they are always intended to bless.  Answer this simple question: when you give a gift to someone, a gift inspired by love, is it your intention to bless them, or bring them down?  The answer to this question is pretty simple.  So why if your intention is to bless others by giving a small gift, why would any gift given to you be any different?  Our blessings are there to show us that we are worthy of blessings, and the sooner we can realize we are worthy, the sooner we can open ourselves up for even more blessings.  

People who appear to be void of blessings are probably those very same people who feel they are not worthy of any goodness in their life.  Worthiness is not bought, it is not earned, it just is.  We are all worthy of blessings, and the sooner you can accept this truth, the sooner you can walk in each blessing, embrace each blessing, and extend blessings to others who desperately need what you have to offer.  Life is about sharing, life is about caring, life is about loving others, and walking in your calling.  You have been blessed to have been chosen to bless others, and once you accept this, wow let me tell you, your life will turn around in a mighty way.  

As we enter this Week of Thanksgiving turn your thoughts onto all that you have been brought through this past year, and see the purpose behind everything you have gone through, learned from, and most assuredly have grown through.  I dare say that no one is the same today as they were yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.  We have grown because we have been open to the lessons we were intended to learn, and we accepted these lessons as part of our mission here on earth.  Once you learn to accept all that life desires to bless you with, the sooner you can grasp the importance of the blessings being presented to you, the sooner you will discover your destiny, and walk in that destiny.  

It is time to embrace each blessing.  It is time to be thankful for each lesson.  It is time to walk in those things that were placed in you to bless the rest of humanity.  When we discover our blessings, when we accept them we position ourselves to offer the very same thing to others.  The world needs you to accept all your blessings, for only then can you truly be a blessing to others.  I leave you light, love, peace, joy, and happiness.  It is time to show thanks for all we have, all we are, and all that we will be doing to move this planet forward.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

From any Great Battle, a Hero arises.

 A Hero can come in many shapes and sizes.  They are different ages, different nationalities, different walks of life, but the one thing they have in common is that they put the interest of others above their own.  Many people have met a hero.  Many people have celebrated heroes.  There are specific days of the year that various Nations around the World will celebrate those who have come before and have become a hero to others.  What I'd like to do today is provide some insight into what a Hero really is, and why we are all heroes in our own way.  

Just as all heroes come in many shapes and sizes, so do the battles, or the events that have catapulted certain people to Hero status.  In truth the size of the battle is not nearly as important as is the action taken by the hero in that moment when action was required.  We've heard of people who have taken almost Super Human actions to help someone in dire straights.  But what about the simple actions of a smile, a cheerful hello and how ya doin, that could possibly change a life?  Is there any distinction between this simple action and those who may have carried out heroic acts on the battle field?  

So many have been through battles, and I dare say that not one of them would not have given everything they owned to have that hero present to either pull them out or up out of the quick sand they felt they were in.  No one is ever going to go through life without the need of assistance in some fashion or form.  Certainly there are those who feel that they can do it all by themselves, but let me ask you this:  had that person who felt they were indestructible, who felt they had to do it all by themselves, had they allowed someone to come in and offer assistance, could what they have accomplished been that much better had they allowed the help in?  I'm not here to point fingers or to accuse, I'm here to say that we all need assistance even if it is just that smile from the neighbor across the street as you drive off to work in the morning.  

We celebrate Veteran's Day on the 11th of November each year to mark the end of World War I at 11:11 in the morning.  We remember the sacrifice that so many made, and for the sacrifice many are making now to keep our Nation strong, safe, and free.  Many heroes have come from these battles, and many heroes have taken heroic action, yet nothing written or annotated about them.  Some of the bravest actions have taken place out of the limelight, away from on lookers, in the background, but to those who were the recipients of said action, they only see the hero.  Each person has been someone else's hero and may never even know how their actions, their kind words, may have changed or altered a life for the better.  The definition of hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.  In mythology a hero is a person of superhuman qualities, with a semi divine origin, and whose actions are often depicted in many myths about the times.  We often over look those heroes who walk amongst us each day, as they may not display Divine Origins, or Superhuman Strengths.  Those subtle heroes who seek not the limelight, rather remain behind the scenes simply being themselves, and doing what they do best.  

We each have within ourselves those Superhuman Strengths written about, and handed down from generation to generation from mythological times.  Each person has unlimited love, although not always shared with others or even displayed.  Each person has joy, once again not always shared, displayed, and sadly not always recognized by the individual.  Every single person is a hero, and while some might think that this could or would diminish the remembrance of those who have indeed displayed heroic actions on the field of battle, it neither diminishes or negates those actions, by equating the simple heroic act of sharing your love with another as an equal act of heroism.  

Our World needs heroes.  Our world needs leaders.  However, many heroes have never been leaders, and sadly many so called leaders are anything but heroes.  Being a true Hero is nothing more than giving the best of who you are to another without the slightest need for any type of repayment or even thanks.  When we give freely we open ourselves up for a reward that is greater than anything you could ever imagine.  Freely giving your love to another is an act of heroism.  Many of those who we remember on this 11th Day of November gave the ultimate sacrifice for something they loved, cherished, and defended til their final breath.  We can never forget that sacrifice, nor the love that motivated them to do what they did for another person. or for the country they loved so deeply.

I was so honored and blessed to have served our Nation in the United States Air Force.  My service was not to glorify myself, it was because I owed my service to this country because so many before me sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we enjoy every day.  Even after nearly 30 years of Retirement I would still go back tomorrow if asked to do so, and I would serve without a demand for glory or thanks.  

Each hero today is worthy of our respect, and each person has displayed characteristics of heroism at some time or another, whether recognized or not.  Please take a moment and look back on those times when you did because you wanted to, and not because it was expected.  Look back on those times when you gave the very best of who you are so that others could experience a bit of joy, peace, or happiness in their life.  In those times you were a hero, and for those times I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  

Large or small, short or tall, thick or thin, it matters not, as once again heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but the constant, the unchanging characteristic in all heroes is that heart of giving.  Giving once again, not looking to be paid back.  I want to thank each hero who has been present in my life for all they have given to me, sacrificed for me, and for the freedoms I enjoy now because they gave.  We love because we were loved.  We are joyful because one gave us joy.  Each person who gave you love and joy is a hero.  You are a hero because you have given to others, even when giving may not have been easy, or convenient, or even when things were going bad, but their bad was worse than yours.  We are all heroes in our own right and today I honor you because you did what you did not have to do, but chose to do.    

We remember our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen today, and we are committed to never do things that would diminish their sacrifice or service to our great Nation.  I salute each of you, because through it all you are a hero, and I pray that you continue to give the best of who you are to others so that they can become or remain the best they are.  I leave each of you love, light, peace, joy, and happiness.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Let's take a Little Journey.

There's a saying that speaks of the Journey of a Thousand Miles beginning with the very first step.  I've written about life being a journey of discovery, and part of that discovery can come at any time, not always when we desire it, but always when we need it.  What I want to do today is provide you some of my insight into this journey, and why some things happen that we often never expect, nor did we ever ask for, but what we have always needed for our own journey of discovery.

First and foremost, time is an illusion, and if one believes in destiny, then one must also believe that they will fulfill that destiny during their existence on this planet.  Now some will have much time to complete, while others seem to be here for a mere whisper, no matter the length of time you are here in this bodily form, you will complete what you were sent here to do.  I've often been asked during one of my seminars or lectures how does one know if they have completed what they were sent here to do?  The answer is quite simple, and to give you a specific, if you are reading this Week's Blog you have not completed your task yet.  Only when you take your final breath in this human experience can you know, or others around you know, that you have completed all that you were intended to do.  Many people who are approaching an end to life will question what they have done in life, and many feel a sense of incompleteness, that they are leaving not having done all they desired to do.  This is fairly common, but in the perfection of the Universe and the Creator of the Universe, one who is about to leap into their next adventure has completed all that was meant to be done.

We must keep in mind that there are no coincidences when it comes to life.  Certainly there are times when we will say that "isn't that a coincidence", but in actuality everything happens in the perfection of the Universe.  Many get tired of me talking about the perfection of the Universe, but truth be told, it is what it is.  Whether one believes in a Divine Creator, one we call God, Father, Source, does not change the fact that something put all that is around us into existence.  I've said many times in the past that we were created to create.  We were born to do amazing things, but those amazing things can not, and should not be measured by the standards that so many people operate under.  Far too many people view success by what they have accumulated in life.  The big house, a fancy car, or that ever expanding bank account.  These are just things, and as one has always said when you die you certainly are not going to be taking it with you.  Success is nothing more than seeking and discovering your destiny, no matter what activity comes from it.  The life you changed by simply being kind to them in a time of need is no different than changing the face of an entire continent.  When we measure our success by what we have, or what we do, that is nothing more than being controlled by EGO.  That statement may irritate some, but let's be honest, the ego is not something we want controlling what we do.  Too many bad and rotten things come from the ego, and I for one do not desire that operating in my life.  The sooner one can rid themselves of ego control the sooner they can complete their mission here in this life time, and the sooner they can move on to do something else as an eternal creation.  

I want to paint for you a mental picture, and in doing so hopefully provide you some encouragement, and with that encouragement push you along in your journey just a bit.  For just a moment I want you to think about going on the vacation trip of your dreams. We can forget about all the pre-work that goes into the planning and implementation of a vacation, as that tends to be stressful at times.  What I want you to think about is you're just about to board the Cruise Ship, or the airplane is taxing down the runway.  At this point you are thinking about the journey and all the fun you are anticipating.  I'm hoping that not many are thinking about what could or what might go wrong during your adventure.  Always thinking that something is going to go wrong is nothing more than an invitation for things to go wrong.  Hopefully you are excited, joyful, and looking forward to relaxation, rest, and fun.  Now the big question: how many of you look at your life in this same manner, each day that you wake up?  Are you looking for anything that can go wrong, or are you looking for excitement, joy, rest, and fun?  How we look at life is often going to be the end result of our life.

Life was never intended to be a drain.  Life was meant to be enjoyed, lived to the fullest, and leave with zero regrets.  Sadly there are many who fear death, who feel as though they have left many things undone. Keep in mind, when ones time is up, it is up because all that needed to be accomplished has been accomplished.  We will never add one second to our life, when it's time to depart, it is time to depart.  Loosing a loved one is never easy, but that is because we don't fully understand what comes to those who are about to exit these mortal coils.  Life is a journey of discovery for sure, and it is my hope that each of you embrace each discovery, and grow with each lesson, even if that lesson came from a less than perfect experience.  The joy of learning is something we attribute to school lessons.  We may ace that math test in Grade School, we may score excessively well on a College Entry Exam, but learning is so much more than that.  Learning is coming to an understanding of your vast power, your unique abilities, your beauty, and your immortal spirit.  

Life's Journey's should never be looked at as only a challenge, but rather an opportunity.  An opportunity to release to the rest of humanity all that you have to offer.  It is your task to impart into others all your goodness, your perfection, and ultimately that which is the best part of you.  We are not on this planet simply to take up space, we are here to change humanity.  Your journey is unique to you and you alone.  Certainly there may be some similarities to what others have gone through or experienced, but no one can walk in your shoes, and no one has been tasked with completing the things you have been chosen to complete.  Rest assured you will have all you need to complete your task, and you will know what to do when the time comes.  

Many people will sadly ignore their calling, many will walk away from their mission, but to those who chose to accept all that they have been called to do, oh the beauty of life.  When you know that you have a destiny, when you choose to walk in that destiny, then each day will bring the joy, the rest, the fun.  It's not always easy to get to this place, as the world is loaded with path blockers. but to the one who choses not to give up, to them comes the great reward.  Our journey is a wonderful thing, and when one accepts this path, then and only then can you begin to live the life you were always intended to live.  I encourage you to take a step back, look at where you are, where you desire to go, and realize that each thing in life is indeed in the perfection of your design, in you being here.  

I leave you with this, and I hope you will take it to heart.  In time we continue to seek, but if one can forego the concept of time as we know it, and instead look at destiny, it will no longer be a seeking, but a doing.  You will complete your mission.  You will see your purpose.  When seeking becomes knowing all things change. When seeking becomes knowing then your power is released.  When seeking becomes knowing creation explodes and the impossible becomes the probable.  I leave you love, light, peace, joy, and happiness, and abundant life.