Saturday, March 25, 2023

When the End of the Road is just the beginning.

 Many find themselves in uncharted territory these days.  Numerous people are at the end of their rope.  Countless feel as though they are headed down a one-way road, that will never end, and there is no hope. Today I want to bring you some words of peace, and with those words an element of joy that many may not have felt for quite some time.  When anyone reaches the "End of the Road" in any situation, it is often just a mindset.  Granted situations and events can mold this mindset, but in actuality most of the time it is how we perceive things, and that perception is largely dependent on what we have been going through.  What I need to remind you of today is no matter where your road leads, it is in fact leading you to the place you need to be.  Although it may appear that you have, or are reaching the end of the road, I can assure you, you are not.  Just as there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is always another route that can be taken, and as soon as you decide to head in a different direction, the path you are on, the road you are traveling, will begin to widen and you will begin to see where it is taking you.

In life we have all failed at one time or another, and we have also tasted the sweet nectar of success.  The main thing to remember is that how you treat success or failure is going to dictate how you come out of either situation.  We all know sore winners and losers.  What you need to keep in mind is that there really are no winners or losers in life, simply participants.  We have placed far too much emphasis on winning and loosing, rather than just being.  If you understand that which is the best part of you, then competition with others is never going to come into the equation.  Certainly it is fun to participate in sporting events, and ultimately there will be a winner or a looser, but winning or loosing a football game does not define the real you.  The real you as I have said before is an Infinite Being with unlimited power, an endless amount of creative abilities, and you have a spirit that knows all, forgets nothing, and can what others say is impossible.

It is in this light that I want to encourage you to think outside of the box that we have been placed in since we were born.  It's finally time to accept certain truths.  I written about these truths many, many, many times in the past, but this is an occasion where repeating is critical.  Until such time as you see yourself as never-ending, until you grasp the significance of your design, you will be looking at life as a series of wins and losses.  This you cannot do, period, end of story.  Everything we go through is a lesson.  Some pleasant, some not.  No matter what the circumstances we need to always know that we, you and I, have all that we will ever need to traverse the ragging waters of life.  Now not every moment of every day is filled with bad things.  Taken as a whole I would say that most everyone has had their share of success.  As humans we have a tendency to only focus on the bad, and tend to forget the good.  The good brings us joy, it brings us happiness, it brings contentment, love, peace, and a feeling of oneness with our Creator. Anytime we feel joy, any time we feel peace, we are more apt to spread that joy and peace to others.  As we spread it, we get more in return.  If you are walking around in worry, is it not reasonable to expect more worry to come back at you?  Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

In truth there is no such thing as a Road to nowhere.  Roads do end, they curve, they go left, right, they zigzag, so many different directions.  I'd say this is a pretty good description of most people's lives.  No matter the direction, the ups or downs, we are on the right path to discover our purpose, our destiny.  No one ever said that life would be without out ups and downs.  I've had my share, and if I'm being completely honest there have been many things I would have rather not gone through.  No matter what I faced in life I have learned a lesson whether I want to admit it or not.  I've often been asked if I would change anything in my life, and believe it or not my answer is "No".  What I have gone through, what I have learned has brought me to the place I am at right now.  The place each of you are at right now is the perfect place because your creation was perfect.  We need to get away from man's thinking, and begin to operate from our spirit.  

When I was living in Maine I would often drive to other parts of New England, or back to my hometown in New York.  Each time driving back I would cross this particular bridge that separates Maine from New Hampshire.  As I crossed that bridge I would always think to myself welcome home. As you crossed the bridge off to the right would be the Welcome Sign to the State.  It said "Welcome to Maine, the way life ought to be."  I never really gave that much thought, but I've often asked myself what is life supposed to be like?  What is life supposed to teach us?  What are we supposed to go through to get us to our destiny?  What we go through is what we have to go through to get us to that perfect place.  We take many roads, often wondering if the road will ever end.  We may deviate from time to time, but in the end we always end up where we need to be, doing those things we need to be doing.  As complex as life can get at times, we often make things worse by making things more complex than they need to be.  

When we feel we are at the end of our rope, the end of the road, just know that this is nothing more than a mere distraction.  I get how it may not seem like it at any particular moment in time, but know that it is there to grow you, mature you, even when a bit of stretching is being administered.  I promise you when you discover your purpose, your destiny all that you went through to get there will be nothing but  a memory.  Strength will often come from adversity, wisdom from error, and love from hurt.  If ever there was a time to be strong now is that time.  If you are in the midst of a struggle look deep within yourself and know that this too shall pass.  Certainly there may be a few tears along the way, but tears are cleansing to say the least.  I've shed tears over the last few days and even though I would rather not be going through what I am going through, at the end of my road there will be a new path that will take me to where I need to be, where I want to be.  I encourage each of you to seek out a different path if you are at the end of your road.  Your journey does not end with what you perceive as the last step, it starts over with the first step.

Many times we set out on a path where we do not know the final destination.  That is perfectly fine because the real mission is simply to begin your journey.  Life has always been, and will always be a journey of discovery.  Discover your passions, discover your dreams, and watch and see if the roads you travel do not in fact get you to your final destination.  Love and light to each of you, and may peace be ever present in your life. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Can one pick up the pieces? Can one put it back together again?

 There is not a single person walking this planet who has not had to deal with something broken in their life. The question is, can one put the pieces back together again, or better said, can one get back to a place of wholeness? The answer to this question begins with how you see the situation.  Do you see it as life ending, or do you see it for what it is, a chance to move forward and grow.  No matter what we may face there will come a time when you will have to decide how you see things, and whether those things will control you, or you will control it. 

One again, this week's Blog is all about providing you some encouragement, some insight, and hopefully bring some peace to your life.  With all that being said, I do want to warn you of one thing.  No matter what one may be feeling at any moment, the key to getting through any trial is knowing that you will get through it.  Being self-defeated is not the answer.  We all know people who love to have other's pity.  We've all seen people feed off of other's turmoil.  There is never a need to pick up another's offense.  The best solution to someone else's problem is to realize that it is not your problem. That's not being self-centered that 's simply understanding that in many cases what one is going through is because of what they previously did.  Certainly we can have empathy for them, but we do not want to pick up their situation and make it our own. 

We have a tendency as humans to think that we are somehow responsible for all of life's woes.  We may be responsible for our own, and we will tackle that subject at a later date, but we are not responsible for what other's are going through, or for others may or may not do in any particular situation.  I see daily the effects that other people's actions have on them, and although I can feel for them, I am not the one who made whatever decision was made.  Once again, not self-centered, rather enlightened.  If I could cure or stop all of the world's hurt, woes, mistakes, trials I certainly would.  Most people have a tough enough time handling what may be thrown at them, why in the world would you want to take on things that come from somewhere, or someone else?

Sometimes our lives are like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.  The whole process of putting something back together again is not easy, and it certainly will take time, but the perfection of our creation  is the same perfection that will rebuild anything to its' perfect form.  That form may not always be what we expected, but it will be what is necessary I assure you of that. Let me give you a little secret.  Have you ever broken a cup, a vase, or something that meant a lot to you, and after you tried to glue it back together, it had a similar form, but we all know it was not like the original?  Well we as created beings have the ability to create something, and have it better than it ever was before.  People have a tendency of holding on to certain things that no longer serve them well, and instead of realizing that change is needed they dig in with both heels.  When we go though a break-up, a horrible situation, a trial, we have to keep in mind that it had to be this way.  Some will ask why, and some will question everything.  We as humans question almost everything in life, but if you are wise you will realize that things happen for a reason, and that reason is always going to be for you betterment. 

As I was sitting down to write today I had a million thoughts going through my mind.  The most prominent was about who I was, and why I am here right now.  We are so privileged to be living in these times, and what is about to transpire over the entire globe is going to shock the world.  I could wax on with this or that, but my main focus today is on you picking up what ever broken pieces might be in your sphere, and realize that they will be put back exactly how they need to be, and the finished product is going to be exactly what you need, lock, stock, and barrel.  How do I know this? I know this because I have the "I am" presence that resides inside of me, and nothing that is imperfect can exist within my I am presence.  There are times in each life when something must be busted up into a millions pieces in order to make way for what is meant for you.  We all have a tendency to keep things forever, the pack rat mentality.  In order for new to come in, the old must go away.  This is not always an easy task to accomplish, but if you are going to move on with things, things that were always intended for you, then it's time to let go of the old, and walk in the new.  

We just celebrated St Patrick's Day.  The luck of the Irish.  Let me ask you this: what lies at the end of your rainbow?  Do you desire the pot of gold, or is there something bigger, better, in store for you?  I can assure you of this:  if you can focus on the real you, if you can let go of the old, pick up the new, then whatever is at the end of your rainbow will be beyond what you could ever have imagined it to be.  We are all from the same lineage.  We are all one.  We have been connected since the beginning of time, and will be connected until the end of time.  In our infinite nature there are things that we have yet to imagine.  There are things that we have yet to do.  If you can grasp the significance of your creation you will begin to walk in those things that were put here for you.  

Yes we have been broken, and there are parts of this broken vessel that need not be attached to us again.  What comes from something meant to destroy us will only make us more valuable, more beautiful, and oh so much more powerful then you might ever have imagined.  Think of the Master Violin Maker, the Piano Maker, years and years of practice to get the skill to create these beautiful instruments.  We have been crafted by hands that have been around forever.  We have been made like a Steinway, a Stratovarius, and yet our value is a quadrillion times more valuable.  What beauty lies beneath your broken pieces, the pieces that may not have been able to be put back together, but pieces none-the-less that are no longer needed to complete you?  Nothing that goes on in your life is for nothing.  Even when that glass is shattered into a million pieces and we think that it is all over, know that it is just the beginning.  

We have been blessed as I said before to be here in this time, in this place.  Might I suggest that you let go of what you thought things had to be, and accept things as being perfect so that you might end up in the perfect place.  Yes it is difficult at times to realize that not everything will go as planned, but you must ask yourself whose plan was it, and better to follow the plan of your creator than your own.  There are times when one's apple cart gets turned over, but that's OK.  Through everything we go through we are one step closer to that place of perfection that was always our intended landing spot.  

I leave you with this thought:  Days will come and go, seasons will change.  We will have good days, and not so good days.  There will be days when we seem to be in the valley, and others when we are on the mountain top.  No matter where you are, you will always be the perfection of your design.  Hold on to the truth of your eternal essence, and know that what ever you desire it can and will be yours.  

Saturday, March 11, 2023

When twilight comes, will you be able to see it all?

It's been a long day.  You've been going since daybreak, no rest, no peace, joy seems to have eluded you most of the day.  Will you be able to see all the blessings in your life when you just had a day?  Will you be able to walk in the twilight and just see and feel peace, joy, love in your life?  Today I want to dispel some things that people continue to hold on to, if for no other reason then they've been told they have to.  What I'd like to do is provide encouragement to you today, and help you pave a way to happiness, peace, and joy.  Now there is no doubt that things are happening in the world right now, that do not make this step into happiness, peace, and joy an easy one.  You control how you see things, how you react to things, and ultimately how you do those things that will ensure happiness, peace, and joy in your life.

While walking in happiness, peace, and joy is not a guarantee, it is something we should all strive for, and believe it or not it is pretty much predicted on how you see things, and what type of energy or vibration you put on things. I realize that this is not always an easy task, but in the end it really is the only viable option we should consider taking.  As hard as it may be to hear, peace, joy, and happiness is really what you were created to experience, and not this brutal, never ending drama that so many people carry with them through out any given day. Once you make the leap to seeing life as it should be, and not always as it is, you will have taken a huge step forward in living a truly great life.  

We've all heard the saying that if you cannot find happiness in the place you are at right in this moment, why do you think you could find happiness in any other place, at any other time?  When one is content, when one is appreciative, when one displays gratitude for all things, then does it really matter what others may think or say, or even how bad a situation might be?  How you see things, how you feel, what you say is going to put you either in a good, or a bad place.  Remember, we are created beings with the ability to create all things, whether you believe that or not.  

Have you ever just looked up into the twilight of night and thought what an amazing sight?  Have you ever taken into consideration that you are a part of it, and the splendor that it depicts is the same splendor that emanates from your innermost being?  If you can't see this, then you will be buffeted by what comes your way each day.  If you cannot see your splendor then the totality of all this misery will be chasing you every day of your life.  We were created to enjoy all that comes before us.  We were created to walk in Eden with the same abilities, the same freshness that each day brings.  Sadly because of what we have been forced to believe, we have been taken away from our rightful place in life.  Looking up into the night sky should bring you a feeling of awe, and that same awe is what you should see when you look and see yourself in the mirror.   

How do you see yourself?  Do you love who you are? Sadly too many people see fault in themselves.  Some of this comes from others who say vile things about you.  Some comes from experiences you have gone through, but you have yet to realize that all that we go through should be looked as a good thing.  If you are unable to love who you are, how do you expect to ever receive true love, or even give true love?  When you recognize your sheer awesomeness, that feeling will translate to others.  They will be drawn to you.  People will seek you out and want to talk, want to touch.  This is where your power lies, inside of you.  The enormity of who you are, what you are, once known will allow you to look at twilight and know that there is nothing that can stop what is inside of yo u from coming out in even larger amounts.

How many of you are aware of your "I Am" presence in your life?  If you can grasp onto this very important topic, understand it completely, walk in it daily, confess it non-stop, then you will enter the twilight of day knowing just how wonderful you are, no matter what the day may have brought.  My dear, dear friends we suffer because we have yet to fully understand just who we are, what we are, and how much our Creator cares for us.  We have been given all we could ever need to live in these trying times victorious. When we finally realize and accept that we are one with our Creator, when we know we are all joined together as one creation, then we will know we know all, and can do all.  There is nothing that your spirit does not know.  There is nothing  that your spirit cannot accomplish.  I've said this so many times in the past, we are infinite.  Think about infinity.  Why if we are infinite beings is it so difficult to accept that we are infinite in our abilities? 

The truth is quite simple to understand: walk in your power, walk in the knowledge of your "I Am" presence, and you will look for the twilight. and you will feel the glory, walk in the glory, and share the glory. It's now your decision to make: will you accept the limits of others, or will you step out into your unlimited abilities?  It's time to shed the old, and walk in the eternal.  When you take the step into your infinite self you will never look back, you will touch the twilight with your finger tips, and you will come to a full understanding  of your awesomeness.  It's time to make the choice, and I suggest you choose wisely.


Saturday, March 4, 2023

There are times when it's just time to move on.


Remember the movie "Groundhogs Day"?  Rinse , Repeat, Rinse, Repeat.  There comes a time in everyone's life when it is time to move on.  There comes a time when you have to drop those things that no longer serve you, and you in fact go after those things that were meant to be, and not just something that was placed in your path to get you off course.  Some have a tendency to see this as a failure, a distraction, a temptation to get off track.  What it actually is, is your time to learn valuable lessons that will place you where you need to be, in order to do those things you need to do.  Not every situation is going to be pleasant, but if you can find the joy in every lesson, then in the end it will all be worth it.

What I want to do today is encourage you to see things from a different perspective.  What I'd like you to do is realize that no matter what you have gone through, or might be going through at the moment, there is a bigger plan in action, and that plan is perfection, and if you can accept that perfection, then no matter what is happening you will see the Golden Lining. We all get wrapped up in a fog from time to time. That fog has stopped us from seeing what is real verses what is simply an illusion, those things those do not serve the greater good in our life.

Change comes, and with that change there is confusion, fear, anxiety, and frustration.  Change is most difficult when we do not understand the rational behind the change.  When clarity comes to the situation then we have a much better opportunity to embrace change and not look at it as something to mess up our life.  When one is entrenched with the days activities, with the things thrown at us continually, we often are not able to see the forrest because of the trees.  The time has come to ask for clarity.  We must, and let me repeat, we must open ourselves up for the clarity, and we can do that by simply asking for it.  I get how difficult it can be to get out of a situation because we have been in this situation for so long.  We tend to hold on to things because we are afraid of what may lie ahead of us.  Let me encourage you to embrace all change, and look at it once again as an opportunity to place you where you need to be, so you can be doing those things that you need to be doing.

In the absence of clarity there is only confusion.  In that confusion it is almost impossible to make the right decisions.  I do not say this to stomp all over anyone, I say this to encourage you to seek clarity, to only make decisions when clarity is there.  How much time does it take to get things cleared up? That depends on the individual, and how willing they are to let go of things that no longer serve them.  Not an easy thing to do at times, but it is something that everyone is going to face at one point in their life.  Trust me when I tell you that I have come to many cross roads in my life, and I have not always made the right decision.  Even in those times when I haven't chosen wisely, it still has brought enlightenment to me, even in painful times.  

There are times when we want to let go and move on but we question the timing.  Questioning timing is something I think we can agree is present is everyone's life.  We question so much because we doubt, and we question because often we don't know how to escape certain situations.  We feel as though we are trapped.  We can't let go because we often are unclear about the future.  Rest assured that the future is going to be what it needs to be, and the lessons that come from any situation are the lessons that you need.  I fully understand that lessons are not always easy, but if we can open ourselves up to an understanding that there is perfection in the Universe, then you can accept almost anything that is thrown at you and see that benefit will eventually come to you.

Believe it or not I am writing this today just as much for myself as I am writing it for each of you.  I am at a crossroads right now, and I have had to ask for clarity in the midst of a huge, almost over whelming fog. I wish I were not in this situation, but I am, and the only true option I have is to move on and trust in the perfection of my being, the perfection of my creator, and the perfection of the plans for my life. You too must decide what you will follow.  If you follow all that is going around you, and not what is in your heart, it is quite possible that you will have a mis-step.  If you will seek out clarity then a mis-step will be avoided and you will come out a conqueror.  

One of the hardest things we face as humans is being able to put things behind us that no longer serve us, and move forward in confidence that no matter what has transpired has placed us where we need to be.  I can only encourage you to move forward, and not hold on to things that no longer serve the creator good.  I know that is easier said than done, but trust me, in the end it is the better of the two options.  I learned a long time ago that it is better to let go and let God even when we feel there is no end to torment, no end to dismay, no end to confusion and doubt.  

If it is your time to move on I send you encouragement, I send you peace in the moment, and I pray that clarity comes to you in such a degree that it overcomes you.  We have been in a battle, and that is a statement of undeniable truth.  Together we can move mountains, and we are in such a time where we need to embrace the power we have within our own self and know that there is nothing that can stop what is coming.  I am that I am, and with the knowledge of the I am presence in my life I will overcome, I will conquer, and I will walk free from all that tried to stop me.  You to have this ability, and once you accept it, then the walls of confusion will come down, the fog will be lifted, and you will be in the place you need to be.  

Let me leave you with this, and it comes with all the love, all the encouragement, and all the determination I have.  Together we are strong, and there will be those who come around you who have been sent to help you out of any situation.  Remember that many have entertained Angels without knowing it.  Reach out to your Creator and simply bask in the beauty of your creation and always know that there is nothing that can stop you from being the person you were always intended to be. Trials will come and go, some tough, some hurtful, but through it all there will be growth, and that growth will increase with each passing moment.  I send you love, light, and an unbreakable bond that tells you we are all one, and where go one we go all.