I've just come through a period in my life where I had to take inventory of the things I wanted to do and begin to prioritize some things. During this time I fell back on some pretty bad habits. Yes even I deal with things that I thought I had beaten in the past. Now before you go off on a tangent I'm talking about thoughts and feelings. I've beaten myself up pretty bad lately with the old, "I'm not good enough." and "When, when, when, will things get going for me." Because I was feeling this way I knew that not all was well and that I needed to make some changes in my thinking. Low and behold I was reminded of the fact that I was created to create. I had gotten so wrapped up around the wagon wheel that I had forgotten this simple truth. I'm writing this today because I think there are many out there who have also fallen down and had a hard time picking themselves back up. If I can get kicked in the butt then so can you. But just as important is the fact that if I can get back up on the horse then so can you as well.
Remembering that you were created to create begins with the knowledge that you were created for this very moment and nothing can change the fact that you are a spiritual being, who has all the tools one would need to do whatever your heart desires. It is only due to man's conditioning that we think otherwise. There always seems to be a list of things we can't or shouldn't do instead of there being a list of all the possibilities out there for us. Don't get me wrong, I fall prey to thoughts of despair and dread from time to time, after all I do inhabit a mortal body. What I've had to do is go deep into my self and realize the perfection of my creation and in that perfection know that I am that I am. I can never separate myself from that which created me, and since I am part of that which created me, then I carry within me the ability to do all things. Now many will read this and will automatically fall back on the thoughts that we have to contend with the world round us and all the things associated with that world. Here's the problem with that scenario: you forget who and what you are. When we forget about our creation, about our perfection, we will always forget just how powerful we are.
We are fast approaching the end of the year. With each passing year many will reflect on the previous 11 or 12 months and of course look ahead to the next 12. There will be thoughts of what didn't happen and if we are lucky, there will be thoughts of what did happen and hopefully what did happen was what you wanted. Understand this; whatever happened last year was a direct result of the thoughts, words, and feelings that occupied your being over the last 12 months. Maybe you've been fighting with feelings of despair, sadly despair breeds more despair. If joy was the ruling emotion in your life these past 12 months, then it's a pretty good bet that joy will continue to reign in your life. Whether you want to accept it, or simply believe in the Law of Attraction matters not. We are the creators of our reality, and if you want to change your circumstances then simply change the way you talk about things, think about things, and feel about things. I know that may seem like something out of crazyville, but it's true.
You can be in a pitch black, darkened room, and one little match will begin to light up that room. There is no need to remain in the darkness of life, when you have the ability to be a light. When One goes around always wanting something, or claiming they need this or that, maybe the best way to start is to think about all the things you already have. I have so many blessings in my life, do I really need anything else? When I begin to think about the things I don't have, then I forget about and am less thankful for the things I already have. Do you see the issue here? If you can be thankful for what you have, you will get even more. I know that many will have a mind tilt on that one, but truth is truth. Creating is as simple as seeing things as done, even if they have not yet begun. Creating is feeling the joy of something even before that something has taken place. Creating is accepting the greatness of your being, and walking in that greatness without regard to what may be around you.
You are perfection, and you being alive right now is in the perfection of the Universe. Why would something so perfect every need to be subject to things that bring strife and stress? Well they don't and the quicker you pick up on this the sooner you can take your rightful place. We were created to create the life of our dreams, and we have those dreams because it is what we are suppose to have in this life. People forget that they are not alone, and that what they need they already have. You simply have to accept what is inside of you, and know that it is inside of you for a very specific reason. Get out there and created the best world possible, and see if things don't change for you and the rest of the world.