Monday, April 24, 2017

The shift is on.
It seems as though the times they are a changing.  Everywhere you look we can see upheaval, distress, anxiety, and just a tad bit of confusion.  What once was normal is now a thing of the past.  Life to many people has become complicated.  Things used to be fun and now they are anything but.  How one handles these moments is going to be key to how they get through this upcoming shift, and believe me there is a shift coming.  If you haven't experienced it yet, hold fast, because it is about to hit everyone.

Shifts are not always pleasant, but they are necessary and they always come at the perfect time.  Now the timing may not seem perfect to you, but in the Universe, all things are perfect.  The key to getting through, or surviving a shift is to simply embrace it.  Now embracing something you can neither see, nor understand, nor even imagine is sometimes difficult, but believe you me, embracing it is your best option.

What this shift will mean to others is entirely dependent on their willingness to embrace the shift.  You can kick and scream through the whole thing, but that's kind of a senseless act of futility.  The shift is going to take place, and the sooner you accept that the better.  Sadly there are multitudes of people who are not even going to notice, or worse yet even acknowledge this shift.  The average person simply chalks up change to chance.  One question that always seems to be asked is why?  Why are there shifts and why now?  The answer may not always make sense, but the reason for a shift is, or should be pretty clear.  If you look at society today there is chaos.  There is one fraction that wants to go in one direction, and then there's another group that is determined to head in the opposite direction.  Division is center stage to almost everything that is going on today.  The Universe is trying to get those who are inclined to listen to come together for the common good.  There is good out there, trouble is far too many people have given up on good and instead are willing to settle for less.

I was meeting with a friend the other day and our discussion centered around spirituality, as is often the case when I get involved with any discussion.  I've said this before that we are not merely humans who occasionally have a spiritual experience, we are in fact spiritual beings who happen to inhabit a human body.  The sooner you can get in touch with your spiritual side the sooner you are going to understand the need for this upcoming shift.  Living a spirit centered life is not something that only happens on a Sunday morning at your local church, synagogue, or other places of worship.

Let me ask this simple question:  what is your Heart telling you at this moment?  Are you feeling as though all is right with the world, or is there a feeling that things have gotten out of control and instead of being in charge you are being tossed about like a rag doll?  I may not be able to change the entire world, but that doesn't mean I can't change what is going on around me, and it certainly doesn't mean I can't change how I see things.  If you are constantly seeing only the bad that goes on around you do you really think that things are going to get better?

As a Spiritual Being we have the ability to hear clearly what the Universe is telling us, showing us, and ultimately desires for us.  The only reason people run from spirituality is because they don't understand it.  Now there have been those in the past who have perverted spirituality.  Sadly this happens all too often, but that doesn't mean everything is bad.  Those who are inclined to listen to their spirit are the ones who will embrace this upcoming shift.  Those who desire to be a part of a spiritual awakening will be the ones who help usher it in.  Given the option to live a life that is free from worry, free from fear, and only knowing peace and joy, or living in times that seem to negate all that is good and only focusing on the wrongs of this world, what would you choose?  There are people around us who expect nothing but doom and gloom.  There are people around us who have given up on life and have decided that this is as good as it gets.  There are even people in this world who want you to believe that you have no say so on what goes on in your life and you are simply along for the ride.  Now are you starting to see why this shift is necessary?

This spiritual awakening is what will right the wrongs that are going on right now.  This spiritual awakening is what will bring new life, new purpose, and simply newness to each of us.  If I told you it was possible to begin each day with eager anticipation of all that is good would you believe me?  If I told you that all the garbage of the past is now past and you can change it all, would you believe me?  If I simply told you that this shift is what will usher in greatness, would you believe me?

I think that the average person wants the best in life.  Some will embrace it, some will discount it, but all will have to live with their decisions.  When you think about joy, when you think about happiness, when you think and feel goodness, doesn't it bring a smile to your face?  If we are going to be a part of this shift, then we have to embrace it and accept it.  The shift is coming, and it is coming because the world needs this change.  I know that there will be some who disagree, but those of you who desire this change can help bring it about.  It's time we took our rightful place and began to accept that we can create a world that is free from the scourges that seem to be all around us.  We are created beings who have the power to create.  It's time that we create a world that is truly something to be admired.  Embrace the shift and let's change the world together.  

Monday, April 17, 2017

Is it time to take action?
Minutes turn to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and finally weeks to months and years.  Before you know it time has passed many things by and you're standing there wondering what in the world just happened.  Have you found yourself in this place?  Have you begun to wonder about time and what you have done with the time you have had?  If you are thinking these things I can assure you that you're not alone.  Time and again people wonder what they have done with the time they have had, and more importantly what they will do with the time they have left.

Funny how things work out when it comes to time.  I spent about two hours writing this blog this morning and when I went to post the entire thing was lost.  As a human what do you think was the first thing I thought about when I lost everything?  Yep, that's two hours of my life that I'm never going to get back.  Now to my defense I was able to get over that moment of weakness pretty quickly and just chalked it up to the fact that there is something else that needed to be said, and in the perfection of the Universe, I will just re-do it, and see where it takes us.

We get infatuated with time.  There are moments when time is our greatest ally and there are other times when it seems to move us in all the wrong directions, or as is the case from time to time in no direction at all.  I've seen in myself the times when I have allowed my perception of time to dictate what I did or didn't do.  I've found myself wondering if in fact I've wasted months, if not years, trying to satisfy something that was never intended to be satisfied.  It wasn't until I could grasp Einstein's thoughts on time that I began to get free from time, or maybe better put, the constraints of time.  The genius of Professor Einstein is that he knew that time was an illusion.  Yes we live with 24 hours in a day, and those days translate into weeks, months, and finally years.  What the good Professor was trying to get us to see is that time, as we know it, is nothing more then empty space, only to be occupied by those things we choose to occupy it with.  You can either be ruled by time, or if you are wise, you will rule the time you have.

For those who have read my previous writings you will know that destiny is a very, very, very large portion of what I talk about and write about.  I believe that destiny was established long before each of us took our initial breaths on this planet, and destiny is what will drive what you ultimately do, either in this life, past, present, or future.  In light of this fact, and with Einstein's insight, should we really be bothered by time, or the passing of it?  Think about it, if the Universe is perfection, which it is, then won't things happen as they need to happen, when they need to happen, in order for you to be the person you were intended to be and do what you were intended to do?  Now that's a question you could ponder for hours and hours, day after day, week after week.  Trust me, I've thought about time more times then nought, and each time I come back to the perfection of the Universe.  I know I will complete my task here on earth.  I will learn each lesson that needs to be learned and I will reach my destiny.  Whether you are 25, or 35, or even 85 years old, time is not what will bring you up close and personal with your destiny.  You will walk in your destiny at the appointed time and there really isn't anything you can do to change that.  I'm thankful that I don't have the ability to change what the Universe plans, because let's face it, as humans, we can and do screw things up from time to time.

So why am I harping on time today?  Why did I ask if it's time to take action?  I'm pressing this issue and asking these questions because I sense that there are many people who have become distraught and feel as though they have lost their way and what they truly desire out of life has passed them by.  If what you desire is still center in your heart, if your passion is still the most real thing to you, I assure you that time has not passed you by and you still have a destiny.  Please don't allow the conditioning of man to strip you of your most cherished things.  Man would like you to believe that life is nothing more then a timeline, and a timeline that you really have no control over.  There is no timeline ladies and gentlemen, because there is no time.  Yes we operate within certain controls, but those controls have become limiting beliefs to so many people, and those limiting beliefs are what have got you into the mess you find yourself in.

Believe that you are perfection.  Believe that what you desire you will have.  Believe that you are here for a reason and that reason is very, very good.  I've said many times that your being here on this planet was not by chance.  You're not here for the free popcorn, you are here to accomplish something.  Your charge is to determine what that something is, and then let the universe orchestrate it as only the universe can.  The sooner we can get out of our own way the sooner we will be the persons we were intended to be.

Yes it is time to take action, but the action is nothing more then taking a deep breath and believing that things are as they should be.  Granted not all things are good, but all things teach us something.  Rest in the fact that you will learn what needs to be learned.  Time is and illusion and the sooner we live as though we believe that the sooner we will be able to enjoy the peace and joy that was always supposed to be in our life.

Monday, April 10, 2017

And so it begins.
Well today is one of the first days this year where it actually feels like spring, my advice is get outside and enjoy it.  Spring is such a wonderful time of year if for no other reason then we get to get outside and stretch our legs and feel the warmth of the sun beating down on us.

We have just come through a pretty brutal winter here in the Northeast.  The beginning of spring or at least spring like weather ushers in a whole new feel.  Smiles are a little broader, eyes a little brighter, and there is a little more "get up" in each step we take.  There will be some who will be sad to see winter pass by, I assure you I am not one of them.  I love spring because right behind it comes summer and I am one who thrives on sunshine and more temperate conditions.  That being said, the main topic of discussion this morning is not the weather, but the change of seasons that is coming to many people.  This change is one that has long been coming, but for many, it is the first time they can actually see the changes that they have been hoping for, praying for, and believing for.

So what do we do when change comes?  What do we do when the seasons of our life begin to turn into something different then what we have been experiencing?  I for one love the change, and I for one love the newness that comes with each new season.  There will be some who will always be resistant to change, it doesn't matter how much advance notice is given.  There will be those who love the challenge of the changes that are coming, if for no other reason then to shake things up.  It just seems to me that Spring is the natural time of year for change to come.  Spring seems to me to be the one time of year where people can accept change, and where they are a little more receptive to it.

I know many people who have been waiting for change to come.  The situations they find themselves in right now are ones that they would like to leave behind them.  Currently I am looking for a few things, and I am confident that the Universe has the answers I am seeking, I just have to do my part and be aware of things that are being presented to me.  We all have a tendency to get wrapped around the wagon wheel from time to time, but now is not the time to get bogged down.  We are all capable of change, and for those who feel as though change is something to fear, let me assure you, it is not.

When one thinks of the change of seasons, one only needs to look at nature to understand the perfection of the Universe, and just what that perfection means to you.  No matter what we may be going through, or what we have gone through in the past there are certainties that are going to come about each and every year.  Every year at this time, if you take the time to look, you will see nature popping up all over the place.  Flowers will begin to pop up all around, the birds will be more active, and then you begin to see nature spring into action.  The perfection of the Universe is not limited to what we see in front of us.  The perfection of the universe is evident in almost everything we come in contact with on a daily basis.  Sadly there are many who disregard what the Universe is telling them or showing them, dooming themselves to having to repeat certain things until all the lessons that need to be learned have been learned.  If we can make the changes that need to be made, if we can be open to the changes that are coming about, if we can look at change as a positive and not a negative, then and only then will will you spring forth like the new spring growth all around you.

It's kind of funny when you think about all the things that are happening around you this time of year, and that these things are happening whether you acknowledge them or not.  Nothing you can do is going to stop the trees from sprouting new buds.  Nothing you say or do is going to stop the flowers from coming forth.  Nothing you say or do is going to change the fact that you have a destiny and discovering that destiny is what the Universe is trying to get you to see.  Why not allow this new season be the season that you accept certain truths, and begin to walk in those things that you have always wanted to walk in, but somehow have never done it.

If you are desiring newness, then let this season come upon you, and grab it with everything inside of you.  When we run from the Universe we are simply delaying the inevitable.  When we discount the signs and the warnings, we are delaying the inevitable.  When we bury our head in the sand because we simply don't want to deal with issues, we are still delaying the inevitable.

I do love springtime, and I love it because it reminds me that I get to do new things, and every new thing I attempt I have the opportunity for growth, for knowledge, and for a rebirth.  If you are in need of something new, then all you have to do is open yourself up and receive what the Universe has for you to receive.  Each new day represents new opportunities and possibilities.  Each new season represents your invitation to experience new things.  Each new thing you experience represents growth and no one is ever going to lose when growth is involved.  

So it's time for a new season, and it's time to let things begin anew.  When you look at things in front of you always know that the view of what is in front of you is far more important then what you left behind.  Last years flowers have long since faded away, but now you have the chance to see the new ones come forward and they will be different from the past ones.  Nature is perfect, the Universe is perfect, and soon you will realize that perfection also extends to you and to whatever you touch or come in contact with.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Who would have thought it.
I keep coming back to the thought that thoughts are the beginning of most things in our life.  I've written so much about intentions, thoughts, and feelings over the years, but recently I have really been thinking about it again.  I was going to take my blog in an entirely different direction today, but after starting and stopping several times I was prompted to write about thoughts this morning, so here we go and I hope that it speaks to you, as it is definitely speaking to me.

The quote I used this morning comes from the Late British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.  He says "Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."  I was thinking about this and as I was thinking about it I was also reminded of the many times I have gotten in the way of my successes simply because my thoughts did not line up with what I wanted nor what I was seeing.  We allow outside influences to dictate much of our actions, yet many of these influences are counter to what we desire or what we are believing for.  There's an old saying "garbage in, garbage out."  If we as creative beings do not learn to control our thoughts, then we will suffer the consequences.  What's that, you're not sure about being a "Creative Being"?  Well just because you may not see yourself as a Creative Being doesn't make it any less so.  Let me ask you this simple question:  Is there anything on this planet that has ever been made that did not first come from a thought?  We can take a look at computers, smart phones, planes, trains, you name it, they all began with a simple thought.  Now some may call thoughts ideas, but it's still a thought, and the sooner we realize the power of our thoughts, the sooner we can begin to live the life we desire.

If you're like me, you've probably grown very weary of all the negativity that occupies the space around you.  Negativity is like a cancer that spreads and spreads and before you know it you're completely engulfed by it and then you wonder why anything that can go wrong, does in fact go wrong.  Light brings light, love brings love, and positive thoughts bring about positive results.  Now there will be those who feel as though negative things are a part of life.  This is entirely true, but what most people fail to realize is that the negative that goes on in your life can be directly associated with the negative thoughts that you have failed to hold captive.

How do you hold negative thoughts captive?  You simply replace the negative with thoughts of joy, thoughts of peace, prosperity, abundance, and any other adjective you'd like present in your life.  Let me ask you this:  when you are surrounded by those you love and cherish, when there is joy, laughter, and excitement all around you, are you really thinking about anything negative?  Probably not, so why in the world would you want to let negativity rule the day?  I've tried to shed my self of negative thoughts, and have found that the best way to do this is to immerse myself in those things I enjoy most in life and not give a moments thought to those things that would like to take me down.

I want to go back to the words of Prime Minister Disraeli and ask you this one simple question:  when you think of all the things you want in your life, do you really think about them, or are you simply giving them lip service, thinking that you will never get to the place you want to be?  I'm a firm believer in keeping things simple, and starting out small. Simply because you start out small does not mean you will remain small, it simply means you are using wisdom as your guide.  When they built the Empire State Building in New York City do you think they began with the Top or did they begin by laying the foundation?  Now that probably seems like a stupid question, but too many times people want the end result without ever laying a foundation first.  Thoughts and Ideas are your foundation, and without them nothing of substance is ever going to come about.

There have been many, many people who live with the belief that if you can dream it, you can have it.  Now there are just as many people who are always wondering when the other shoe is going to drop, and when it does they seem to wonder why.  Let your thoughts be on those things you truly desire in life and focus on what it feels like to have what you desire.  When you can feel the sheer thrill of having your hearts desire then you are well on your way to having what is in your heart.  You are a creative being, and you have the ability to manifest anything you want.  There will of course be those who proclaim they want to manifest tons of money, but sadly the money will have them because they have forgotten what is really important.  When you can couple your desires with your feelings, then you will begin to see those things in your life that you always dreamt about.  When you can feel the thrill of having, then you will have the thrill of having.

It all begins with thoughts.  Begin today by training yourself to hold captive all thoughts that do not serve your purpose.  Hold captive those thoughts that are anything other then the things you dream about.  Focus on the bold, the good, the outstanding, and soon you will be walking around knowing the bold, the good, and the outstanding.  Trust me, if you can think it, you can have it.