Greetings from a Bright Sunny Maine Wednesday!! Well bright for the moment, the weatherman says getting cloudy by mid-day and rain through out the night. All I can say is at least it isn't snow. So not ready for winter to be here, but it's coming so might as well get used to it. Funny thing, it happens every year and yet every year I hope against hope that it isn't a tough winter. I think it may be time to look for a warmer climate to spend my winters.
I had a conversation with a very good friend of mine last night. He is in the middle of trying to find another job, as his current position is not cutting it. I have known him for almost 30 years, and he is one who could leave for ten years and when we pick back up on the conversation it is like it has only been a matter of days since we last talked. Now that is the type of friendship we all need. If you don't have a friend like this, you might consided looking for one or forming a friendship so you can have it. As I have said so many times before "If life is a journey , why go it alone?" Live is too short and too difficult to go it alone without having support people at your side giving inspiration and assistance when needed or asked for. As I was saying my friend and I were talking last night and I proceeded to talk about my passion for speaking to groups about Destiny. Over the last few months the need to make a move has gotten stronger and stronger. I think we all get to a point when we have to decide do I stay where I am at and feel like life is passing me by, or do I take the leap of faith and jump into the water with both feet? I spend quite a bit of time thinking about past jobs that I have had, and what I was feeling while performing at those jobs. It is tough when you know you have the ability to do a job and yet you always seem to be a day late and a dollar short. I think it comes down to doing what you were created to do. Anything else is always going to seem anti-climatic and total success will always be a finger tip away. It's almost as though you are dabbling the carrot in front of the horse. He can see the carrot, go after the carrot, but no matter what he does, never seems to be able to get to that damn carrot.
I know what I am supposed to be doing and I think I am finally at that point in my life where I can no longer sit on the sidelines and just watch the game. I need to be actively involved with this game, and show others that I have what it takes to compete at the highest level. Now don't get me wrong, I have lots of learning to still do in my life. I find that anytime I get an answer to a question I have a dozen other questions that need answers. But I have also discovered that doing what makes you happy, doing what you were born to do, doing what you know inside is the right thing for you, is really the only way to live life. Anything short of that will always make you feel as though you are missing something, and feeling like you are missing something all the time will eventually drive you nuts. I for one am tired of always feeling like the best is yet to come. I want the best now and I want to ride this horse until it bucks me off.
There are so many people out there today who feel the same way I feel, and they are in need of words of support, comfort, and inspiration. They have what it takes to be successful. They have a knowing inside of them that they can accomplish what is in their heart, but what they don't have is someone cheering for them on the sidelines. They have an understanding of what they want to do, but like so many of us get wrapped around the wagon wheel and thereby become mired down in the fears and dread of the unknown. You need to know that you are in good company. Many of the most successful people in business today have been exactly where you are t right at the moment. They were fortunate enough to have someone who spoke life to them. Words of encouragement, affirmation, support are worth more than any amount of money. Now let me say this to those who think their best days are behind them and have given up on ever accomplishing the things that are deep within their heart. I don't know of anyone who has achieved everything that is in their heart. It may not be for a lack of trying, but simply because they haven't had the opportunity or maybe it's because they haven't tried. Whichever scenario you fall into, and there may be numerous other scenarios that play out, but no matter where you fall, don't ever give up on your dreams. Destiny is just that, it is that one thing that you were born to accomplish, and I dare say that until you are walking in your destiny you will always have those feelings of empitness. I have known may successful people. People who have created large companies, made tons of money, and yet still walk around empty. Why? Because they are not walking in their destiny. Ladies and Gentlemen, destiny is not something you can walk away from. Well I guess you can walk away from it, but at what cost. You will forever wonder how things could have been, what you could have accomplished, and who you could have helped along the way. Success is not having the biggest house, the most money, great influence, or any of the other stuff that society has described as pictures of success. Success is walking in your destiny. Destiny is not measure by the square footage of your home, the horsepower of your car, or the size of your bank account. Destiny is measure in your knowing that you are at the right place at the right time, doing what it is that you were born to do. If you are walking in your destiny then it doesn't matter about the size of your home, the horsepower of your car or the size of your bank account. Destiny is waking up each morning with a smile on your face know that you get to do it all over again. Destiny is knowing that you would do what you are doing even if you never made one red cent. Destiny is what brings joy to your life, a smile on your face, and a skip in your step. Destiny is what we all should be looking toward and never accept anything less. When it's all said and done destiny is who we are, what we desire and what others need from us.
I want to have a company where others have the opportunity to grow and come to an understanding of their destiny. A company where my primary focus is equipping others to walk in their destiny, thereby preparing the way for them to help others achieve their destiny. Yes it is paying it forward, but for me there is no other option. I am at the point in my life where my focus needs to be in getting you to focus. I am at a point in my life where my success will only be measured by your level of success. I am a point in my life where my needs are secondary to the needs of others. I look forward to the coming months as I step out and accomplish the things that I was created to accomplish. I look forward to finally being totally happy in what I am doing and not feeling as though I have to measure myself against others who are not the same as me, and I am different than them. I am ready to tackle the world and see how others are going to benefit from what I do. Get ready for a wild ride, and let's enjoy the next phase of life together.
I promise you it will not be dull.